Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan was approved by the US Senate in a key vote


United States President Joe Biden and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (EFE)
United States President Joe Biden and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (EFE)

the infrastructure plan US President Joe Biden received Senate endorsement on Wednesday, which voted to debate the bill after weeks of fierce fighting between Democrats and Republicans.

The result shows the willingness of both sides to endorse one of Biden’s most important plans, which aims to invest around one trillion dollars over 8 years in the reconstruction of bridges, railways, ports and airports in the country.

Specifically, Biden’s plan passed a procedural vote with 67 for and 32 against, meaning the debate will now focus on the content of the initiative.

It took several Republican senators to vote for the bill because Democrats have a narrow 50-seat majority, not enough to pass the measure on their own. In most cases, 60 votes are needed.

This morning, Republicans announced that they had reached an agreement with Democrats and the White House to unlock the infrastructure plan. And that’s it, Just a week ago, Senate Republicans unanimously blocked Biden’s plan and did not even agree to debate the initiative in a key vote..

In a statement, Biden on Wednesday welcomed the deal and said it shows the world that American democracy can work and do “great things.”

A street closed for construction work in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, March 31, 2021. REUTERS / Eduardo Munoz
A street closed for construction in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, March 31, 2021. REUTERS / Eduardo Munoz

A month ago, Biden and a group of 22 Democratic and Republican senators announced with great fanfare outside the White House that they had reached a deal, but negotiations were later complicated, especially by Republicans’ reluctance to how it will be funded. investment in infrastructure.

The agreement includes $ 110,000 million for roads, $ 73,000 million for electricity grid spending, $ 66,000 million for railways, $ 65,000 million to expand broadband access, $ 55,000 million for drinking water, 50,000 million for environmental issues, 39,000 million for public transport and 25,000 million for airports, said the White House, what is called “physical infrastructure”.

Outside of the pact was the so-called “human infrastructure”, which is needed, for example, to reopen education centers for children that closed during the pandemic, as well as to fight against poverty, the climate crisis and to expand “Medicare”, a health coverage program for children. people over 65.

These points were included in a $ 3.5 trillion social spending program that Democrats want to push forward on their own through a legislative formula known as reconciliation., which allows a bill to be passed by a simple majority of 50 votes, instead of the 60 normally required.

Responding to a funding issue among Republican lawmakers, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Opposition Senator Rob Portman said the package passing through the House was “more than paid for,” adding: ” We hope to move forward and have a healthy debate. “

Officials said that the package would be financed by a combination of measures. The largest redirects $ 205 billion in COVID-19 relief funds. Another is to claw back $ 50 billion in fraudulently paid unemployment benefits during the pandemic and get states to return unspent federal unemployment funds, raising an additional $ 50 billion.

(With information from EFE and Reuters)


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