Joe Biden’s top national security adviser is already in the country to meet with Alberto Fernández


The Chief National Security Advisor to the President of the United States, Joe Biden, will visit Olivos with Juan Gonzalez, director for the Western Hemisphere of the White House, who already visited Argentina last April, when he met Fernández.

In addition, they constitute the entourage Ricardo Zuniga, Special Envoy for the Northern Triangle (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) and MaryKay Carlson, Affairs Officer at the United States Embassy in Buenos Aires. With Alberto Fernández will be Felipe Solá, Gustavo Béliz Yes Jorge Argüello.

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The moment when the American delegation left the Jorge Newbery airport in the city of Buenos Aires.

The moment when the American delegation left the Jorge Newbery airport in the city of Buenos Aires.

Mariano Fuchila

During the meeting, it is expected that the global immunization campaign will be discussed as an accessory for the recovery of economies. It should be remembered that the United States has already donated to the world about 100 million doses of different vaccines against the coronavirus and it is possible that shortly, in addition, there will be a new announcement of the shipment of new doses from Washington to Argentina. It may be earlier than expected so far.

In addition, the situation of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela will be discussed, also bearing in mind that Zuniga was a special collaborator of Barack Obama in the process of “unfreeze” with the Cuban government. On the other hand, it is also expected that the role of China at the global level will be discussed, a point which also took center stage during Sullivan’s meeting with Bolsonaro.

In Buenos Aires, the security adviser also plans to organize meetings with other national officials.

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Jake Sullivan, Biden’s top national security adviser

Regarding his career, it was explained that Sullivan is the 28th Presidential Assistant for National Security Affairs (National Security Advisor).

In the administration Barack obama “He served as Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor to then-Vice President Biden, Director of the State Department’s Policy Planning Cabinet and Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. “

During his tenure, “Sullivan led the negotiations in the initial talks that paved the way for the nuclear deal with Iran, and he played a key role in the US-initiated negotiations that led to the ceasefire in Gaza in 2012 ”.

Jake Sullivan.

He also “helped shape the Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy, both in the State Department and in the White House.”

Also, it was the Joe Biden’s 2020 Presidential Campaign Chief Political Advisor, among other public and private activities, has been added.

After his tenure in government, Sullivan was a senior member of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he helped design and craft a bipartisan project on a foreign policy for the middle class. He has also taught at Yale Law School, the University of New Hampshire, and Dartmouth College.

He co-founded and co-led the advisory board of National security action, a non-profit organization focused on national security, and served on the advisory boards of various organizations related to foreign policy and national security. He was the main political adviser to Biden’s presidential campaign in 2020.

Sullivan holds a BA in Political Science and International Studies from Yale College; an MA in International Relations from Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar, and a JD from Yale Law School. He was assistant to Supreme Court Judge Stephen Breyer and Judge Guido Calabresi of the Second District Court of Appeal.

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