John McAfe was found dead in his cell in Barcelona …


John David McAfee, creator of one of the leading computer antivirus programs and recently approved for extradition to the United States for an alleged tax crime, was found dead on Wednesday, apparently by suicide, in his cell in a prison in Spain. This was reported by prison sources.

The body of McAfee, 75, was found in module 1 of Brians 2 penitentiary in Sant Esteve Sesrovires, in Barcelona, ​​where he entered on October 4 by order of the National Court.

The surveillance professionals and the prison medical services intervened immediately to carry out resuscitation maneuvers but finally the doctors certified his death, according to the Ministry of Justice of the Generalitat.

The judicial procession went to the penitentiary center and investigated the causes of the event, even if “everything indicates that it could be a death by suicide”, declared a spokesman for the Generalitat. Spanish justice had just authorized extradition to the United States.

McAfee, a businessman who has devoted himself in recent years to the cryptocurrency trade, was arrested in October at Barcelona airport and placed in preventive prison pending the resolution of the request for extradition.

The prison where the businessman died.

The decision of the Spanish National Court is dated Monday but was handed down on Wednesday. North American authorities requested extradition on the grounds that earned over $ 10 million between 2014 and 2018 through activity with cryptocurrencies, advisory services, conferences and the sale of the rights to make a documentary on his life: The Dangerous Life of John McAffe, to be seen on Netflix.

However, “he did not file tax returns in any of those years and did not pay any of his tax obligations,” according to the order of the National Court, the Madrid-based district court.

“To hide his income and his property”, the defendant “ordered the payment of part of his income to straw men and put properties in their name”, adds the file, which cites the arguments of the administration tax, which estimates the debt of the businessman at 4.2 million dollars before penalties and interest.

The creator of the famous antivirus that bears his last name was also a yoga guru, a violent landowner on the Caribbean island of Belize, and even a candidate for President of the United States. In turn, in a tweet posted to his account last Wednesday, McAfee wrote that North American officials believed he had “been hiding cryptocurrencies.” He noted that “I would love to have them, but my remaining possessions are all confiscated, my friends have evaporated for fear of being associated with me, I have nothing and I have no regrets.”


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