Johnson insists that Irish bailout of Brexit be abolished – Telam


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson today in a telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron said he would seek to renegotiate the Brexit agreement with the European Union (EU) and abolish the controversy over the subject conflicts, despite the criticisms and despite the refusal already expressed by the community bloc.

Macron called on the brand new British leader to congratulate him on his indictment, but during the interview they also referred to the UK 's exit from the EU, which Johnson had promised to execute. "without fail" and "with or without agreement" on the scheduled date of October 31st.

Elysee sources quoted by the gala press said that the Conservative leader had conveyed to Macron the same idea that he had communicated yesterday to the President of the European Commission (EU), Jean-Claude Juncker, and that he had already presented at his first appearance in the House. communes.

"He wants to reach an agreement, he will pursue it vigorously, but the withdrawal agreement has been rejected three times in the House of Commons, which will not happen," the source said.


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