Johnson & Johnson talc is associated with 22 cases of cancer – Digital AIM


Johnson & Johnson, a pharmaceutical and US manufacturer of personal hygiene products, was sentenced to pay $ 4.96 billion to 22 women and their families in the United States, who claimed that the company was not responsible for the use of personal hygiene products. Asbestos in the talc had caused them to develop cancer.

According to the New York Times, a Missouri court ordered them to pay $ 4.140 million in punitive damages, in addition to $ 550 million for compensatory damages.

Six of the plaintiffs died and almost everyone else, along with their relatives and friends, were in court Thursday to read the verdict after a six-week trial. "There were people crying." It was a moving scene, "said the plaintiffs' attorney, Mark Lanier, to the US newspaper, and said one of the women could not be there. attending because she had been following a chemotherapy session

.procedures in cases involving talcum powder, according to a recently published regulatory document.Asbestos is a carcinogen that sometimes appears in the Natural talc, but that was removed from commercial talcs in the 1970s, according to the American Cancer Society.The US Cancer Institute explained that the hypothesis that talcs used to feminine hygiene can be absorbed by the reproductive system and cause inflammation in the ovaries is not supported "by the weight of the evidence".

a statement in which he ensures that she is "deeply disappointed by the verdict" and soul "We continue to believe that our products do not contain asbestos and do not cause ovarian cancer. We firmly intend to request all available calls. "

There was not a mbadive demand against Johnson & Johnson but small-group litigation, a strategy considered by experts as risky and based on" sending signals "to other potential claimants to file their claims. The first case was settled in 2013 in South Dakota, then Justice considered that Johnson & Johnson had been negligent, but did not approve the damages raised in the lawsuit. Other causes have been a setback for the company, and the largest so far has been the conviction that forced her to pay $ 417 million last year to a Los Angeles woman. , reported Clarín.But other trials have had favorable judgments to the pharmaceutical company.

That is why in his statement, Johnson & Johnson pointed out that all the verdicts pronounced against him by the court from Missouri "who have crossed the Call processes were reversed. the errors in this test were worse than those found in previous tests that have already been reversed in favor of Johnson & Johnson. "

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