Joint statement by Mauricio Macri and Jair Bolsonaro at the end of the meeting at the Government House


With the crisis in Venezuela, Security in the region and trade as axes met at Casa Rosada Mauricio Macri and Jair Bolsonaro, during the first visit to Argentina of the Brazilian Head of State. The meeting took place at a time when Macri is preparing to start the election campaign in search of his re-election in the face of the economic crisis. After this meeting, there was a long meeting with members of both cabinets.

Now the the presidents make a joint declaration to the press, although there is no possibility that journalists can ask questions. Later, around 13:30, Macri and Bolsonaro will have lunch at the Bicentennial Museum.

The context of the meeting is also difficult for the President of Brazil, who he suffered a great fall in its positive image in a very short time and must manage an economy that has retreated in the first quarter and expects modest growth (1.5%) for this year. Added to the criticism of institutional violence and the struggle that is taking to implement a pension reform.

Bolsonaro spokesman, General Otavio Rego Barros, said in an overview that the Brazilian president would speak with his Argentine counterpart about "his desire that the left does not take back power", compared to Cristina's candidacy. "The meeting took place at a time when Macri is involved in an electoral process," he said. In this context, he said that the President of Brazil "is in favor of the governments of countries sharing the same values, democracy, the free market and individual freedoms."

A few days ago, in addition, the two leaders spoke by telephone and agreed on the need for move forward with a common position try to conclude a free trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union.

Bolsonaro arrived in Argentina shortly after 10 am during the first visit to our country since his arrival as President of Brazil on 1 January. His first activity took place in Plaza San Martín in Retiro, where he laid a wreath at the Monument to Liberating General José de San Martín, accompanied by Chancellor Jorge Faurie.

Accompanied by his wife Michelle Bolsonaro, he went to the government palace, where he was received by Macri and the first lady, Juliana Awada. After the official photo in the clean room, they met at the presidential office. Faurie, Chief of Staff Marcos Peña and Secretary of Strategic Affairs Fulvio Pompeo also attended the meeting.

In the afternoon, the Brazilian president will sign defense agreements with ministers Fernando Azevedo and Oscar Aguad at his country's embbady. Then, at the Alvear hotel, you will meet the main Argentine businessmen with links to Brazil.


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