Jonathan Fabbro was sentenced to 14 years in prison for abusing a niece


Soccer player Jonathan Fabbro was sentenced Thursday to 14 years in prison for badually abusing a niece and a minor godchild, in a ruling by the Buenos Aires justice.

The former player of Boca and River, among other teams, who was not present at the hearing and had remained in a cell of the mayor's office, was sentenced for "aggravated badual abuse" on the girl, who had then between 6 and 15 years old. seven years old and currently 13 years old.

The complaint asked Fabbro 24 years in prison, although the decision was satisfactory to the family of the child.

"Justice has been rendered," said the mother of the girl knowing the decision, although she warned that "there is no joy, but peace and sadness", has he declared.

The woman warned that her daughter "is brave, they did not want me to tell the truth, but she did not lie," he added. "Today, he was very sad, his great fear was always what could happen to him, because we loved him and everything was very painful," he added about what the child feels.


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