Jorge Altamira against José Pablo Feinmann for the “gang rape” of the Red Army


The referent of Partido Obrero Jorge Altamira directed against the intellectual José Pablo Feinmann after that justify the rape of European women in a herd speak Red Army of the Soviet Union as it moved west at sunset Second World War in 1945.

“The justification of these atrocities as a huge mass movement of women grows against femicide and against the unprecedented growth in trafficking in girls and women, constitutes a political crime that cannot be ignored”, he underlined Jorge Altamira in connection with the recent opinion column of the intellectual Kirchner in Page 12.

According to the analysis of Feinmann, who is a strong ideological defender of the Soviet regime and has stood up against those who put it on par with the Nazi dictatorship, there were so many atrocities committed during the Blitzkrieg (the famous “blitzkrieg” imagined by the Germans) of the Operation Barbarossa who “took for granted a harsh revenge of the Russians, among them, the rapes of women upon entering Berlin“.

José Pablo Feinmann: “They are looking for the dead”

But every time they admit that the Red Army was the first to arrive in Berlin and hoist the Soviet flag over the Reichstag, they add that they were vindictive and cruel to the Germans. What they raped hundreds (sic) of women“Writes the philosopher, adding:”What are you waiting for?… Hatred for the Nazi atrocities in the Russian countryside prevailed over temperance orders (from Marshal Zhukov) ”.

For his part, Altamira came out crossing these words in a letter of repudiation published on the portal of Partido Obrero. “In military regulations, however, rape of women – in this case in a herd – is punished with death, not calls for ‘temperance.’ We also do not understand the relationship between the rapes of women committed by Nazism and crimes against humanity committed en masse, with the responsibility for them of the mass of women of the German people ”, replied the socialist leader.

José Pablo Feinmann
The philosopher and historian José Pablo Feinmann.

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In return, Altamira stressed that in his analysis the thinker did not take into account the protest of Tito, the Yugoslav leader who demonstrated in front of Stalin against the rapes of women perpetrated by the Red Army troops during their passage. through this territory to Germany, a testimony that appears in the book “Conversations with Stalin”, written by the second man of Tito’s guerrillas in Yugoslavia, Milovan Djilas.

Thus, he reminded him that Stalin’s response was that Tito ignored the long sexual abstention of these troops, which came from the Asian territories of the Soviet Union. “Feinmann’s Stalinist push survived the shameful collapse of Stalinism”, he quips.

Given the words of the renowned intellectual and essayist linked to Kirchnerism, who considered them “Fully functional to the oppression of women”Altamira criticized both the official silence of the Women’s Ministry, as well as the Kirchner feminist organizations, which have yet to comment on the issue.

Panic and madness

Violations by the Red Army according to Jorge Altamira

In the same letter in which he repudiated the justification of the collective violations of the Red Army by Feinmann, Altamira declared that the violations in question constituted a state policy of the Soviet Union of Jose Stalin, whose slogan was “Eye for eye, tooth for toothSomething Altamira considered “very distant from those who, in the first war, called on the troops of the belligerent states to change shoulders with the rifle against their own imperialist governments”.

In addition, he stressed that the violations involved both German and Eastern European women and were part of a policy to “strangle any initiative of popular insurgency against governments which had collaborated against Nazism, in order to extend Stalinist domination in the territories it occupied ”.


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