Jorge Faurie: “Argentina’s vote on Nicaragua leaves us on the side of those who do not respect human rights”


Jorge Faurie
Jorge Faurie

Argentina refrained from condemning in a vote held at the Organization of American States (OAS) the human rights violations committed by Daniel Ortega’s dictatorship in Nicaragua.

La Casa Rosada shared its abstention vote with Belize, the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Mexico. And again, as happened at the UN with its stance on Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel, Argentina has been left out of its Mercosur partners: Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

Jorge Faurie, Chancellor of Argentina under the government of Mauricio Macri, said that the decision adopted by the diplomacy of Alberto Fernández “is a mistake and a tragedy” which contradicts the trajectory that began in the country after the trial of the military leaders of the dictatorship carried out during the management of Ricardo Alfonsín.

We have completely abandoned this path, first by withdrawing from the complaint against Venezuela for human rights violations, and now by voting against the consensus of 26 countries in the region. This leaves us on the side of dictatorships, autocracies and those who do not respect human rights.“, He assured.

Arguments for Argentina’s vote at the OAS

Ortega and Murillo committed a massacre against the civilian population in April 2018. From that point on, the Sandinista dictatorship grew fiercer every day. and it has always been condemned by the international community at the United Nations and the OAS. Indeed, the government of Alberto Fernández had voted in favor of human rights in Nicaragua during a session on this issue at the UN. And the OAS was expected to repeat its position laid out at the UN.

This does not happen.

Argentine Ambassador to the OAS Carlos Raimundi abstained from a draft resolution that demands that Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo, end political persecution and ensure transparency in the upcoming presidential elections.

Until the Raimundi vote, Argentina had always voted against the Sandinista regime. During the time of Ambassador Paula Bertol, the Macri administration adopted a stance of strict criticism of the dictatorship in Nicaragua. But that changed yesterday.

“I think the government’s decision does not represent the Argentines who voted for one of the parties that participated in the 2019 elections, who want to live in freedom, who want to be respected for the ideas they may have and not not for this reason go prisoners, who respect human, labor and social rights. They want to live in a democracy because they recognize that in a democracy they can fight for better living conditions and they do not do not want someone to perpetuate themselves in power or seize everything, ”Faurie analyzed while speaking with journalist María Laura Santillán on CNN Radio.


The draft resolution approved by a historic majority reads as follows:

1. Express its grave concern that the Nicaraguan Government did not implement, in May 2021, electoral reforms in accordance with applicable international standards, in order to ensure that the elections scheduled for November 2021 are free and fair.

2. To unequivocally condemn the arrest, harassment and arbitrary restrictions imposed on presidential candidates, political parties and independent media, and demand the immediate release of presidential candidates and all political prisoners.

3. To urge the Nicaraguan Government to implement, without delay, legislative and other measures in accordance with applicable international standards in order to promote transparent, free and fair elections in November, including the welcoming of election observers. OAS and other countries.

4. Continue to monitor the electoral process in Nicaragua, for its consideration and possible presentation to the General Assembly.

The declaration of condemnation endorsed by a strong majority in the OAS -26 votes out of 34- it was the multilateral response to a witch hunt started by the Nicaraguan dictatorship. Over the past two weeks, Ortega and Murillo have launched a raid a policy which involved the arrest of the main opposition leaders who had intended to confront the regime in power since 2007.

This repressive movement involved the illegal capture of Cristiana Chamorro, Juan Sebastián Chamorro, Félix Maradiaga and Arturo Cruz, among other political leaders. All have been charged with suspected treason and money laundering.

And so far, Ortega and Murillo have not provided any evidence against him. For this reason, the OAS demanded their immediate release from the Sandinista regime and the preservation of democracy beyond the political interests of the Managua dictatorship.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken had a 40-minute conversation with Felipe Solá to discuss the Nicaraguan issue. This happened a few days before the session at the OAS, and the Argentine Foreign Minister agreed to respond on the final position that the Casa Rosada would take.

Alberto Fernández has ideological differences with OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro and did not appear to endorse his political position regarding the Sandinista regime. The president also did not want to appear alongside Bolivia and San Vicente, who supported the Nicaraguan dictatorship.

He opted for abstention, in a position alongside Mexico, which is its main ally in Latin America. And as with recent regional events, Argentina seems separated from the common agenda with its Mercosur partners. Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay voted together with the United States, Colombia, Peru and Chile.

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