Jorge Faurie defended his ceremonial boss for the newspaper with the aircraft of the kings of Spain – 26/03/2019


Chancellor Jorge Faurie has not accepted the resignation of the National Director of Ceremonial, Marcelo Suárez Salvia. As Clarín said, the official had offered his resignation Monday by a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, after the incident on Sunday night, when the plane of the Royal Spanish House landed with the Kings Felipe VI and Letizia, and there was no scale to go down.

At the press conference after the cabinet meeting at Casa Rosada, Faurie releases the ceremonial leader of any responsibility. "The situation created with the plane that was carrying the King and Queen of Spain, upon their arrival here, was due to the use of a staircase. Those who intervene are an operator on land contracted by the Royal House and the company Intercargo that provides support or services to the hired land operator, "he said.

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The Foreign Minister denied that Suárez Salvia submitted his resignation, although Clarin He was able to confirm from irreproachable sources that he had left his resignation available at the Minister's office. Even this newspaper has published the complete missive.

"This has nothing to do with the ceremony of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which deals with all the visits of high dignitaries arriving in Argentina. Ambbadador Suárez Salvia has no connection with this affair, or anything that could have been mentioned in the media of any resignation situation, "said the manager.

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The staff of the Chancery ceremony was already in the eye of the storm at the G20 Summit, while despite the success of the organization, Gabriela Michetti did not arrive in time to receive the French President Emmanuel Macron. In the environment of the vice president, they then designated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Faurie fiercely defends the direction of the ceremonial. "This comes to work at a very high pacewith great intensity, he has realized great events of great magnitude. The last was the South-South conference held this week and brings together more than 143 countries and coincides with the presence of Queen Margaret of Denmark, "he explained before adding that the visit of the Spanish monarchs continued with the same success.

Faurie also gave details of the meeting between Mauricio Macri and the kings with Argentine and Spanish businessmen. "The President had the opportunity to make a message about the economic moment, the short and medium term prospects and thanks for the commitmentHe said that during the president's government, Spanish companies had invested $ 6 billion.

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Finally, consulted by this newspaper, the Chancellor gave details on the initiative of Macri so that this year the representatives are not elected for the Parlasur, the legislative body of Mercosur. The Minister of Foreign Affairs added that this discussion would be part of the regional bloc. "We are working with the idea of ​​refocusing this discussion so that it reflects the mentalities or policy requirements of these four countries, which will be dealt with at the Mercosur level," he said after recalled that only Argentina and Paraguay They voted their representatives.


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