Jorge Lanata: “Alberto Fernández is taken with those asking for the second dose of Sputnik, but he makes no formal claim to Russia”


We are already halfway through the year. There are only six months left from 2021 which is, in other words, half of the nonsense of Alberto during this year. Rounding up, there are plus or minus 30 more. The last was that we have descendants who have become African Americans. We went from white to black, like Michael Jackson, but backwards. The one who converted is Alberto, who went from “howling canchero” to “sacado-Milei” tone.

“We are in a country where, amusingly, whoever has to buy vaccines for Argentines is accused of being a kicker and whoever gets vaccinated is accused of being a poisoner. And when the poisoner receives the vaccines, he demands the second dose of poison. We live in this country and they say they have no freedom, ”said Alberto Fernández.

It’s red. Alberto, more than boats, seems to come from the Instituto del Quemado. You don’t know what’s worse. When he’s angry and pulls back… and says anything too. Fernández is out with those calling for the second dose, but is not making any formal claims to Russia. On the contrary, he thanked Putin for zooming in.

We see that, faced with so much praise, Putin was moved. If you paid attention to him, you will have seen that he blinks with emotion. Given the lack of second doses, they are studying whether Sputnik can be combined with other vaccines. It could be a mixed bag, like the Crazy Jug. It’s not that bad, it’s like pouring a little soda in wine. To bring a little serenity, Cafierito said that “a dose of Sputnik gives the same coverage to those who flew to Miami and got vaccinated as Mauricio Macri.” Cafiero must invoice each time he names Macri, otherwise, it’s not understood.

Vaccines, don’t they stain?

The problem with a single dose is that the effectiveness against the newer variants decreases dramatically. The Delta Variant is here and now a new mutation of the mutation has appeared: the Delta Plus. Did you see that they are adding terms to the new variations? In a few months will be released “the Delta Plus Fortified” then “the Delta Plus Fortified with Vanilla Flavor”.

Vizzotti was asked about the second doses and he replied, “The vaccines don’t expire. This is the pandemic version of “the bullet is unstained”. Today 6 million Argentines have the first application of the Russian vaccine and are waiting for the second component, which as we all now know is different from the first, unlike the rest of the vaccines in which the two doses are the same. In the past three months, only 480,000 Sputnik 2 have arrived. In other words, at this rate, it would take us three years to finish vaccinating everyone who already has the first dose.

However, what we did not know is that in the contract that was signed with Russia, the preliminary draft for the delivery of 20 million doses for two months, between January and February, provided that it was possible to “desynchronize the supply of treatments”, to ensure the supply of the first dose as a priority … In other words, the Russians vaccinated us and the Government knew it.

From the start it was clear that Russia was having problems with the production of the second component of Sputnik but… we kept going, kept going and now Vizzotti is surprised. and they begin to assess how to complete the immunization schedule of people who have a dose of the Russian vaccine.

For tomorrow, On Monday, there will be 430,000 people who received the first Sputnik component 12 weeks ago and they had not yet been ordered to take the second. They depend on the doses that arrive this week, we do not know how many there are.

The opposition prisoner

Together for Change’s top leaders gathered on Wednesday with the exception of Lilita, Vidal and Patricia Bullrich. The summary of Together for Change is, more or less, like this:

Macri warms up for the second half, but Larreta wants to send him to the bank, that of substitutes or that of retirees. But Macri demands from Larreta that Vidal go to Province, Bullrich to City and El Dipy to take another selfie. But Vidal only wants to be a candidate for City, like Patricia Bullrich, who prefers CABA because she is closer to going to see Brandoni at the theater. In this case, Santilli would go to Provincia, but some do not want it. For example, Jorge Macri who says that if Santilli goes, he goes too.

And another who can go, but because of the radicals, is Facundo Manes, who, like a good neuroscientist, shakes his head thinking if he should show up now or save for 2023. Another who does the curlers for the photo in CABA is Martín. Lousteau. To all of this, Lilita, who doesn’t sew wireless except for her clothing collection, has chatted with Macri, but she’s closer to Larreta and Vidal. And Pichetto says that if Vidal leaves, Macri should compete with her in Capital.

While Duhalde, who was passing by, said he was going to talk to Bullrich again, when she finished talking to López Murphy again. The only thing they agreed on was not to change the name. They will continue to call each other Together for Change. We start for something. The government is also full of detainees, but they try to hide them.

Among the names that Kirchnerism has for the province of Buenos Aires are Sergio Berni and Victoria Tolosa Paz. Berni said he did not believe he was a candidate as he had many disputes with this government. Although if Cristina asks him, he introduces himself. Berni is everything: doctor, lawyer, soldier, parachutist, tactical diver, karateka, official … And also an opponent. Another potential candidate is Victoria Tolosa Paz, who said this week that “in Venezuela there is the rule of law”. Tolosa Paz supported Nicolás Maduro. And this is a novelty, because so far the only “mature” who supported was Pepe Albistur.

From emerging to “there is no tub”

The Morgan Stanley rating agency downgraded the country’s rating much more than expected. Argentina has ceased to be an “emerging market”, and we have not become a border as we thought, but at the lowest category: “Stand-Alone” which has two meanings. Literally, it is something like “you are alone”. Willy Kohan put it in a very graphic way, the folks at Morgan warned that “there is no swimming on this beach”. Translated into financial language, it would be: “Ask your sister for money, because I’m not even going to lend you a fart.”

There are four categories: developed, emerging, frontier and autonomous. We were on the border with Cristina, Emergentes with Macri and Stand Alone with Alberto. We were in the Emerging Club with Brazil, Chile, Russia, Saudi Arabia and China. Now we share a group with Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Panama, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Malta, Ukraine, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lebanon and Palestine. Look where they put us “Stand Alone” … in a little square below. They don’t even give us the dignity to be on the same line as others.

For investors, it is safer to put the string in the trade of abundance than in Argentina. On Friday, Argentine stocks fell, country risk rose, and within a week the blue dollar rose 10 pesos. A Tik Tok user @juanvanysseldyk, contributed the economic panorama from the point of view of the clown Filomena. Guzmán made a $ 430 million deposit to the Paris Club to avoid default. It was like paying the minimum of the card so as not to appear in the Veraz.

In the case of Argentina, this is the ‘True’ how I try to kick this out so Magoya can put it on. At the Paris Club, they doubt Guzmán’s intentions because he told them: “We will keep our commitments. I give you my word of honor, like when I said if Basualdo didn’t leave I would quit”.

Presidential expenses

By a request for access to public information that he made, we have all the expenses of the Quinta de Olivos, which ultimately belongs to all Argentines. In total, the maintenance of Quinta de Olivos costs more than 22 clubs per month. Of light: more than 600 lucas. Alberto apoliya with the light on for fear that at night the ghost of Antonio Cafiero would appear to him, apologizing for the grandson who sent him. Other expenses: landline telephone, nearly 26 lucas. He must use it to carry out surveys himself: “What do you think of Alberto’s management? Good, big or big? “.

Look at the cleaning fee: $ 1,287,992. You have to get dirty a little less, Alberto. We see that Dylan and his company mess up the whole house quite often. Look at the cost of maintaining landscaping: $ 1,700,000. He’s got a lot of work to do, because it is said that where the K’s have gone, the grass doesn’t grow back. Do you know how much they spent in total last year on Alberto’s favorite soda? $ 87,193 between large bottles and cans.

It was not until February of this year that there was an expenditure of $ 635,000 in meat and fish. And in March, they added an additional $ 233,000 in warehouse fees and more meat. Now we have understood that the campaign they made in 2019 … That of “going back to the barbecue” was for them!

Obviously, they have to make the park pleasant for the photos of Fabiola de la Hello Magazine where he introduced Blue, the newest member of the Olivos group. For the moment they have “Blue” attached, but calling himself Blue, at any moment he lets go and leaves.. There is Dylan, the dad; Prócer, first son of Dylan and half-brother of blue, the youngest of the family.

We see that Dylan is another who in the Quinta de Olivos does not maintain social distance. Within the pack, Alberto is the dog who barks, but does not bite. And Dylan has more success in management than Alberto …

Vaccine request

Parents of children with disabilities and at risk of disease have launched a campaign to demand vaccination of their childrenBecause they have co-morbidities or require ongoing assistance, they are at greater risk of Covid. Many of them cannot go back to school, for example, until they have been vaccinated. That’s why they made a presentation to the court for the government to buy the Pfizer vaccine.

The order is not fancy. Pfizer is the world’s only licensed vaccine for children aged 12 to 18. These children urgently need the vaccine, but not because they want to go out for a walk or see their friends – something they are entitled to like everyone else. Otherwise because each day that passes without going to the kinesiologist, speech therapist or without doing gymnastics, their health deteriorates a little more and they lose quality of life.

No respect for authority?

A dog peed on a mayor of Jujuy as she inaugurated a municipal detachment. It was in the town of Maimará that Susana Prieto gave a speech to a group of neighbors. The dog has already gained 20 points in the polls. Dylan texted him that said, “Congratulations, if I had the courage I would do the same.”.


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