Jorge Macri: "Kicillof had a Marxist education, was that look healed?"


Jorge Macri: "Kicillof had a Marxist education, was that look healed?"


The Mayor of Vicente López,

Jorge Macri

he was in

New therapies

and when we talk about the speech in which

Miguel Pichetto

He called

Axel Kicillof

Marxist, said: "He had followed a Marxist formation, was this look healed over time? I do not know."

For him, "some of the exercises in his role prove it". Then, as an example: "Drawing the indexes and confirming that the Indec says what you want has a lot to do with the logic of a state that imposes itself and does not care about the truth but builds a history beyond what is happening on the outside as if people did not know what inflation was ".

In addition, he pointed out that personalities such as Pichetto and

Elisa Carrió

They bring different voices and profiles to the coalition. "It may be a natural evolution of Cambiemos," he said in speaking of the expansion of space.

Jorge Macri: "Much of what comes does not require adjustment"


Regarding the electoral context, the official said that "the media space is becoming smaller." And he said: "The debate in Argentina is between freedom and democracy or a regime that took us on the road to Venezuela, it's like when you are told at school:" Say me with whom you are and I will tell you who you are. "


Mauricio Macri

He must be one of the international leaders who has taken the fastest and strongest position on Venezuela, "he said.

Jorge Macri also expressed his views on the economic situation and said that "there is a perception that new wage adjustments are gaining in inflation, and in general it is like that itself." There is nothing to celebrate ". According to him, this allows consumption to grow. "Much of what happens as a transformation does not require the concept of fit," he projected.

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