Jorge Rial denounced censorship in Estrella de Mar


The last award ceremony Starfish, Which rewards the best theatrical productions of the summer season in Mar del Plata, spent in the middle of a scandal. Jorge Rial denounced that during the gala he prior censorship, in addition to cataloging them as "embarrbading".

Nacha Guevara, Marcelo Polino, Mora Godoy, Fabian Vena, José Maria Muscari, Nito Artaza and Juan Leyrado, among others, in front of the camera Intruder, his surprise because there was no microphone on stage.

"There was no freedom of expression"said Vena. For its part, Leyrado said: "How do they spread the word to us who communicate with the word?".

Recently arrived from his vacation in the United States, Jorge Rial said at the beginning of the program that the starfish were "A scandal, embarrbading, shit".

"As a taxpayer citizen, as a journalist, I ask the municipal tourism authority (EMTur) to explain why she did not put the microphone," said Rial, referring at one of the organizers of the awards. "This is a prior act of censorship"said the Intruders driver, adding," I have never seen it, and if it happened, I do not remember it ".

"Who made that decision, why did they have information? Did you think that there could be an escrache?", he questioned and insisted: "It was a simple and clear act of prior censorship in a complete democracy, let the people express themselves".

"We invent the crime of opinion. We are living in a moment where we try to silence speech. They are afraid of him and this was noticed yesterday, "the reporter said angrily.The crack eats journalism. Instead of the complaint, we are talking about defense, "he concluded.


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