Jorge Rial, on the political strategy of Cristina Kirchner: Magistral


The Intrusos driver took advantage of social networks to qualify the former president's political announcement and compared the maneuver to a historical episode in the United States.

May 19, 2019

After the announcement by Cristina Kirchner of the formula that will integrate as Vice President of Alberto Fernández, the pilot Jorge Rial He was energetic and applauded the actions of the senator.

On his Twitter account, he condemned: "Magistrale", and also shared Vice's trailer (Adam McKay, 2018), the film that tells the story of the life of George W. Bush's powerful vice president, Dick Cheney, in the United States.

"In this trailer, you understand what Cristina Vice, see Bush Vice President Dick Cheney's movie, where they will understand the movement of CFK, the power is where you want to go.", badured the driver of the intruder.


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