José Miguel Farfán, the Argentine drug dealer who cheated two judges and a policeman, ended up in jail


José Miguel Farfán fallen for the fourth time in 20 years. The 58-year-old man was driving a Suzuki Vitara on Wednesday in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, central Bolivia, when a team from the National Police's National Counter Intelligence Intelligence Center and a police liaison officer Argentine police arrested him in a vehicle check to identify himself: He called Miguel Ángel Salazar Yavi. The narco was from 2016, after the fall of Reynaldo Delfín Castedo, the most sought after of the northern border.

A farfan they called it "Chapo Guzmán of the Southern Cone". However, unlike the Mexican, Argentina did not have to hide in a clothes trolley or dig a tunnel to get out of the prison, but directly. Coimeó to two federal judges to remain at liberty.

Farfán fell in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, after several years of research.
Farfán fell in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, after several years of research.

It all began on January 4, 2003 at 21:00 when Farfán took advantage of a transient exit to escape. Four days later, the judge of equity, Ricardo Lona, ordered his national and international capture, but it was too late: the narco spent the next three years on the other side of the border, in Tarija. José Antonio Solá TorinoLaw Enforcement Judge and member of the Federal Oral Court (TOF), on 24 August 2007, the search ordered by the international police (Interpol) was canceled.

On the same day, Solá Torino met with Gabriela Mabel Vázquez.

Vázquez: – Hello, doctor, how are you?

Solá Torino: -Well, I already see that …

V: – Just today are you watching?

ST: – No, we are, no, no, it is not new today, we see it a while ago … I have to join you a little in the after-the-moment midday.

V: – How for what? Are you going to give me something?

ST: – Yes, you can see that I am with people here, so at half-past five or six o'clock, you have to contact me.

V: – Well, then at that time, "big", please.

ST: – Yes, my angel, kisses.

Five months later, after drawing his attention, Solá Torino decided to reactivate Interpol's red alert on 1 February 2008 to search for him in Bolivia, but Farfán was already hiding in Tucumán. He then went to Buenos Aires to renew his pbadport, but a federal police officer discovered that he had a warrant for arrest and "El Chapo del Cono Sur" decided to hand him over to him. $ 100 for not giving it. Eventually, the airport security police (PSA) caught him on May 16, 2008 in Tucumán. The judge also fell: The Judicial Council dismissed him and then the TOF Salta sentenced him on April 8, 2016 to six years in prison for "aggravated pbadive corruption"that is, to raise $ 15,000 for his benefit.

On the dock, besides Solá Torino, Farfán himself sat for "active corruption", but incredibly, despite his past, the court, then integrated by Carlos Jiménez Montilla, María Alicia Noli and Marta Liliana Snopek, he got on September 2, 2010 the release.

Narco, one of the most dangerous of the northern border, will be extradited to Argentina.
Narco, one of the most dangerous of the northern border, will be extradited to Argentina.

Back in the street Farfan returned to businessOn September 12, 2013, he organized the shipment of 400 kilograms of cocaine from Tartagal, to Salta, in Santiago del Estero. The police arrested the Toyota Hilux in which Hector Rene Segundo was carrying the cargo, but Farfán, who would later use a Volkswagen Vento to try to "clean up" the route, was able to escape.

Three months later, the lawyer René Gómez treated Farfán 's prison exemption and Oran federal judge Raúl Reynoso accepted it a few days later without asking for his antecedents. The gendarmerie arrested him in May 2014, but the magistrate ordered his release. Reynoso postponed the prosecution of drug traffickers until November 2014, but again, it was too late: no one knew where he was.

The researchers determined that Judge Reynoso met with lawyer Gómez and his client Farfán. Rosana Elizabeth Rivas Vázquez, a former lawyer badociate, said during the trial that Gómez and Reynoso were such friends that they not only played tennis but shared vacations in the United States. The woman also revealed, based on what her son had told her, that once, when Gómez I lived at the Alejandro I hotel, Farfán gave him a lot of dollars and retired, Reynoso.

Farfán knew to have a very good lawyer: Gómez not only defended, but also Torá Solá, the judge who took advantage of the drug dealer, then became friends with Reynoso, the other magistrate who played several times on his behalf. Now captured for the fourth time, Farfán must defend himself in any case pending unlawful badociation, drug trafficking and corruption. However, he will not have the help of his defender: in the coming days, the TOF could condemn René Gómez to nine years in prison to be part of Reynoso's group in Oran.


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