Joselyn, the formidable woman leader of the Cartel de las Flacas, murdered and dismembered


The young woman, whose age is unknown to the authorities, became famous in 2015 when she badumed leadership of the organization that challenges power in the sector. Gulf of Mexico Los Metros, another of the most recognized organizations in the criminal world.

The place where the body appeared


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Niño or "La Flaca", as it is nicknamed in the environment, had the power of an independent cartel, composed of physically very similar girls, who also shared images, armed on social networks. with machine guns with gold components, according to the newspaper La Prensa de Honduras.

The "Cartel Las Flacas"It is made up of women who have broken stereotypes by becoming real killing machines, linked to drug trafficking and exploiters of great benefit: look safe for the typical member of these criminal organizations.

These images were her loss, since they were used by her murderers to identify and kidnap her, then mutilate her.

The lean

According to the autopsy data, the girl was dismembered and her remains were frozen in an ice chest. The cause of death would have been a blow in the head.

It should be noted that beside his body were a decapitated man and a mutilated woman.


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