Journalist miraculously saved when bridge collapsed – News


Amber Roberts, local correspondent for chain Fox, showed viewers the flooding near the Hiddenite Bridge and the impact of the stormy waters across the county.

Upon posting the footage of the rising waters, the reporter knelt down and off the ground, reported: “This bridge is sinking. Look at the ground and you can see it crumbles“.

Immediately, part of the bridge collapsed and fell into the water, next to where the reporter was, who screamed in fear, incredulous of what was happening and fled.

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“It’s incredibly scary,” the reporter shouted as part of the bridge was cracked and continued, “Okay, we’re backing up, backing up. Right here, live on TV, we saw the bridge. collapse, where we were standing a few seconds ago, so thank goodness we’re backing up. “

Chain Fox so reported that all reporters were fine and indicated that flooding problems persist in this area, although water on the streets is expected to start to recede over the next few days.


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