Juan Carlos Cosarinsky is dead


The facilitator entered Saturday in this seriously wounded school hospital. According to medical information, he had a bullet in his skull. Doctors warned that the state was "critical."

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Juan Carlos Skinny Cosarinsky died this Saturday at Escuela Hospital, where he had been admitted that small sum badly wounded by a bullet in the head.
"The intervention has come to an end.The news is not very good.The doctors speak of an almost irreversible situation, said Gastón, grandson of the famous artist and entrepreneur of Corrientes, at the same time. Escuela Hospital.
As he explained, in the operation, he was unable to extract the projectile that was housed in his skull and only the area was cleaned.
"Cosarinsky is hospitalized in intensive care with all the medical badistance and the necessary professionals in this sector and neurosurgery.Treatment measures are applied to support their vital functions.Measures are taken to be able to tolerate their current state of health ", told reporters Raul Puyol, deputy director of Escuela Hospital, a few hours after the entrance of the injured man to the hospital.
"The lesion is in the skull," said the doctor, adding that Cosarinsky's condition, 72, "is very risky". "Their state of health is critical and there is no way of predicting delays or evolution until they see how it responds to treatment measures", a- he said.
"It will continue here, it is so fragile that it can not be moved, it has undergone emergency surgical measures in the same bed where it is," said the doctor.
The renowned facilitator entered the emergency area of ​​the school after noon and was referred to the intensive care unit. According to official information, he had "a bullet in the skull". Puyol said that the hospital will not give details "inherent to the personal situation of the patient" at the request of the family Cosarinsky.

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