Juan Carlos I has cognitive impairment, says new book


MADRID – Juan Carlos I a “A principle of progressive cognitive degradation by which he does not perceive as reprehensible everything he has done”, a series of personal, sentimental and financial embezzlements which first led him to abdicate in 2014 and then to leave Spain for good.

This was assured by the journalist Jose Antonio Zarzalejos, who has just published a book on the reign of the current monarch and where he takes care of his father extensively.

In an interview with ABC newspaper, Zarzalejos pointed out that the former monarch, 83, is “A man who has a distorted perception of reality and this has been confirmed to me by more than one, two and three people. He’s a man with blackouts “.

In the book Felipe VI. A king in adversity, Zarzalejos reveals unknown facts about the reign, abdication and expatriation of Juan Carlos I after having had 31 conversations with his entourage.

Juan Carlos I abdicated his son, now Felipe VI, in 2014.
Juan Carlos I abdicated his son, now Felipe VI, in 2014.Getty Images

Felipe VI, he claims, is the one who accepted that his father left Spain “indefinitely” after learning the extent of his hidden activities abroad. The king started to work out his father’s expatriation plan in March 2020, when he found out that he had made him a beneficiary of two opaque foundations, after which he gave up his inheritance.

Juan Carlos I, who left for the United Arab Emirates last August, made it a condition to choose the country and to move freely towards others. Zarzalejos also reveals in the book that Juan Carlos I reluctantly accepted his abdication in 2014, after which he attempted to “rule in the shadows”.

Felipe VI, 53, professes his father “of admiration of a statesman and personal disappointment”, according to the journalist, in particular for his infidelities towards Queen Sofia.

“There is not a single king of the Bourbons, except Carlos III, who respects marital fidelity. Several people I spoke with assured me that in no case would Queen Letizia allow Felipe VI to be unfaithful to her “Zarzalejos said in his interview with ABC.

Zarzalejos describes Felipe VI as a man with an “orderly, sober and healthy” lifestyle, “extremely hard-working”, “attentive”, but who “Lacks the joy of living” and that he “beware of the system”.

ANSA Agency


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