Juan Carlos pays to return to Spain | Free reg …


The King Emeritus, Juan Carlos I, wants regularize more than 500,000 euros in opaque funds supposedly spent three different years, between 2016 and 2018, when he was no longer protected by inviolability. As published today by various media such as The country, The world O Voz Populi, the king emeritus I could try to return to our country this Christmas after having settled your tax problems with the Treasury.

As revealed The country, the legal team of the former head of state met with Treasury officials to send them a proposal for the tax regularization of foreign funds, from the Mexican businessman Allen Sanginés-Krause, friend of the king emeritus. According to this medium, in at least two of the three exercises, the sum of funds spent without having been declared to the Treasury would constitute a tax offense, since the amount would exceed 120,000 euros.

Regularization not linked to foreign assets, but with the use, by the King Emeritus and some of his relatives, of bank cards with opaque funds, which is the subject of an investigation by the prosecution of the Supreme Court.

Voluntary regularization can be submitted at any time before the tax administration opens an inspection or summons a judge to testify as being the subject of an investigation for tax evasion or money laundering.

So many The world as Voz Populi, claim that the King Emeritus would seek to return to our country in a few days and that he has transferred his intention to return at Christmas. According to these newspapers, Juan Carlos I has expressed his desire to return to our country for some time since he fled to the United Arab Emirates last August and settled there as a guest of Sheikh Mohamed Bin. Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.

However, these media claim that the emeritus has not yet filed a formal request, although he has made it known that he is unwilling for his return to cause an institutional crisis that harms his son. He stressed that he was not prepared to return if the Government and the Casa del Rey did not agree. From the government, Minister José Luis Ábalos assured that they did not know that the King Emeritus was planning his return.

It is pending that the prosecutor Juan Ignacio Campos, who directs the three investigations opened by the public ministry against him, files the investigations or lodges a complaint.


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