Juan González, advisor to Joe Biden: “Maduro used dialogue to delay and imprison members of the opposition”


Juan González U.S. National Security Advisor for the Western Hemisphere (U.S. Embassy in El Salvador)
Juan González U.S. National Security Advisor for the Western Hemisphere (U.S. Embassy in El Salvador)

The National Security Advisor for the Western Hemisphere of the United States, Juan Gonzalez, assured that “unlike the previous administration” of Donald Trump, the Joe Biden government’s approach to Venezuela “is going to be a bipartisan policy” and they also plan “Restore a multilateral coalition for a democratic solution to the current crisis.”

In an interview with journalist Patricia Janiot, for the American television channel in Spanish, Univision, González said that of the Biden government, they seek to “redouble humanitarian efforts not only within the country”, but also in other countries such as Colombia which have been strongly affected by the migration crisis generated by the socialist regime of Nicolás Maduro .

The American official of Colombian origin, assured that his direction will focus on “human rights, the fight against corruption, the pursuit of every dollar that has been stolen from the Venezuelan people”.

Joe Biden, President of the United States (EFE / Tracie Van Auken / Archive)
Joe Biden, President of the United States (EFE / Tracie Van Auken / Archive)

González emphasized the need for the Biden government to deal with the crisis that Venezuela is going through from a bipartisan perspective that allows it to make decisions with the different points of view of the political sectors that make life in the States- United and who are interested in finding a way out of the drama that the Caribbean country is undergoing, caused by the Maduro regime.

He also criticized the “one-sided” way in which former President Donald Trump approached the situation in Venezuela.

“Everything the previous administration did was unilateral and therefore left out many allies that we had in Europe, many countries in the region. The multilateral consensus and that of the international community were shattered under the previous administration by political and unilateral actions ”.

Maduro does not allow humanitarian aid to enter to create environment of suffering

In this sense, the security adviser said that “Unilateral sanctions have never worked in history, to bring about a transition or a change of power in a country”, so he assured that the path they have decided to take to realize that their strategy carries more weight and guarantees a successful result is “Forming a consensus within the entire international community to increase the pressure, to ensure that those who steal billions in Venezuela do not find refuge anywhere in the world.”

Likewise, González stressed that they do not plan to lift the sanctions against officials and some institutions of the Maduro regime, as it is not a priority for President Biden.

Nicolás Maduro (REUTERS / Manaure Quintero)
Nicolás Maduro (REUTERS / Manaure Quintero)

A propósito de los múltiples diálogos que se han desarrollado a lo largo de los últimos años entre el régimen y la oposición para buscar un salida democrática a la crisis, el funcionario norteamericano dijo ha visto como esa iniciativas ha fracasado motivó y asegurido because “Maduro has used the dialogue to delay, concentrate power and put members of the opposition in jail.”

For such reason, González urged the dictator to dismantle the police force that has been used by the regime to commit human rights violations, as well as crimes against humanity, as has been denounced by the United Nations (UN) itself through an independent mission, created by the Human Rights Council (HRC) chaired by Michell Bachelet.

Likewise, the security adviser demanded the release of political prisoners in Venezuela, including the six leaders of the oil subsidiary Citgo and denounced that the regime “does not intentionally allow humanitarian aid to enter to create an environment of suffering.”

González recalled that President Biden has agreed to grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS), for its acronym in English, to Venezuelan citizens residing in the United States, which he assured “that it will be respected”.


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