Juan Grabois, Ernesto Tenembaum and the journalistic bias …


The visit of Juan Grabois in the program Central Korea (NET TV) led a conference addressing several issues, but there was a particularly juicy moment. In the middle of the questions of the lawyer and the social leader Maria O Donnell and Ernesto Tenembaum, the temperature of the study has increased a little when the journalist alluded to a tweet from Grabois who ended up launching an analysis on the "bias" with which some media take statements from the political world.

"Do you think those who go to the Macri fashion shows are gurgles, hypocrites and bluffs?" Tenembaum wanted to know, referring to a Grabois tweet. "Do you know how to read?", the social leader rebuilt and asked him to reread the article. "Ah, you're right," The reporter acknowledged. "Ah, it seems to me that you are talking about those who govern and not those who walk." "It's not what you think, what is he saying", Remarked Grabois, by initiating an exchange on the different stem with which are taken up the words of the politicians and activists of the opposition and those of the governmental officials.

"You have a preconceived idea that generates an expectation about what you are going to read and you read it in a certain way (…) Pichetto is allowed to pass some things … that a relatively young citizen puts this tweet is a scandal and that the vice presidential candidate says that he will dynamite a village and let it pass … I think you have a bias, think about it "Grabois invited, at another crucial time of the journalistic analysis before the elections of October 27th.



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