Juan Grabois has been appointed member of the “Social and Environmental Ministry” of the Vatican


Social leader Juan Grabois was appointed member of the Vatican Dicastery for the Global Service of Human Development, considered the “social and environmental ministry” of the Holy See under which the programs of application of the encyclical of Pope Francis “Laudato if ”and the post. -Pandemic commission.

Grabois, 37, was proposed as a consultant member by the head of the Dicastery, Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson. The appointment of the lawyer and head of social movements was supported, days ago, by the dad Francisco.

The other members of the Dicastery created by the Pope in 2016 are, for example, the cardinals of Poland Konrad Krajewski and Peru, Pedro Barreto, among the religious, and the laity Renato Lima de Oliveira and Sean Callahan.

Juan Grabois with Pope Francis.

Juan Grabois with Pope Francis.

Vatican social foundations work under the orbit of the Dicastery, such as the Popolorum Progressio, focused on Latin America; and John Paul II, in the Sahel.

Turkson had already designated Grabois as consultant to the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, one of the institutions which, with the signing of the papal decree of August 2016, is derived from January 1, 2017 in the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development.

The Pope then considered that the Dicastery “will be competent in matters of migration, the needy, the sick and the excluded, the marginalized and victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters, the imprisoned, the unemployed and the victims of all forms of slavery and torture. “

In 2020, Francis instituted, under the orbit of the Dicastery, the Vatican Covid-19 Commission, responsible for centralizing the Holy See’s programs for the so-called post-pandemic on social, environmental and economic issues.


With information from Telam.


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