Juan Grabois revealed how Cristina Kirchner was treated at Comodoro Py


Source: Archives – Credit: Victoria Gesualdi / AFV

The leader of Patria Grande

Juan Grabois

he spoke in the program
Nothing personal, who leads Viviana Canosa to
The nineand revealed how they treated the former president

Cristina Kirchner

doors inside Comodoro Py. He testified because he had accompanied her to the exmandataria "in a personal way".

The leader of the Confederation of Workers of the People's Economy (CTEP) attended clbades with Cristina at the end of last year. This earned him a reprimand for the piquetero triumvirat, in which
Grabois wrote a letter stating that his presence in court was not meant to "express everything" and that it was "strictly personal".

Regarding the treatment of Cristina in response to the summons of Judge Claudio Bonadio, she stated: "There have been a number of abuses and abuses … At first, it was a very strong offensive, a lot of abuse towards a person who was president of the country for eight years.Besides, because it's a woman, Cristina is a bit angry to be a woman. "

He then spoke about Florencia Kirchner's health and Cristina's theme. Although he specified that he did not personally know the daughter of the former president, he said: "I know that Florence is very sick and that she is recovering well, that she is following a treatment. " As a mother, Cristina is worried and busy. [Florencia] He has very high levels of attack. She is really sick, but even if she was not, she would tell him of course that she's not likely to become hostage to the red circle, macrismo, to condition the electoral result. As you know, Cristina wins, they want to ban her. "

The leader repeatedly pointed out that Cristina was going to be president again and that she would have a higher government than the previous ones. However, he admitted that there was corruption in Kirchnerism, as well as in the current government: "This government is, at least, as corrupt as the previous government, because I do not deny that there is no such thing as corruption. there had been corruption before. "


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