Juan Guaidó adds international support: the European Parliament will recognize him as president of Venezuela – 30/01/2019


The European Parliament will vote on Thursday a resolution in which will recognize Juan Guaidó as president of Venezuela after confirming that Nicolás Maduro "publicly rejected the possibility of holding new presidential elections" after the request of the European Union (EU).

Sources from the European Parliament's popular and socialist groups, the two main parties, confirmed to the EFE agency that they would vote in favor of this resolution, for which it already has sufficient support from the share of the parliamentarians.

Headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.

Headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.

"The European Parliament recognizes Juan Guaidó as acting interim President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in accordance with the Constitution of Venezuela (…) and expresses his absolute support for your road map", said Parliament in a resolution to be voted on Thursday and to which EFE had access.

I spoke with Antonio Tajani (@EP_President), President of the European Parliament, who endorsed his support for @AsambleaVE as the only legitimately elected body in Venezuela.

I appreciate your support on behalf of all Venezuelans. #We are well

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) January 30, 2019

The resolution is also drafted on behalf of the Conservative and Reformist Group (RCC) and the Liberal Group (ALDE), although liberal sources suggest that some members of this group would not be able to join.

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The text also calls on the head of European diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, and the EU Member States to recognize Guaidó "until new free, transparent and credible presidential elections can be convened to restore the democracy".

The resolution condemns violence and repression in Venezuela and rejects "any proposal or attempt that may involve the use of violence to resolve the crisis".

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He also reiterates that the National Assembly (the Parliament) is "the only legitimate democratic organ in Venezuela" and stresses that its powers "must be restored and respected", including "the security of its members".

The resolution urges Mogherini to "contact countries in the region and other key actors to create a contact group capable of negotiating an agreement to request presidential elections on the basis of an agreed timetable, in equal conditions for all actors, with full transparency "and international observers.


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