Juan Guaidó also asks the help of Pope Francisco to get out of the crisis in Venezuela – 07/02/2019


The leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó, proclaimed president "in charge" of Venezuela, also called this Thursday for the help of Pope Francisco "the end of the usurpation" and hold free elections as soon as possible.

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"I appeal to all those who can help us, such as the Holy Father and all the diplomats, to collaborate for the end of the usurpation, for a transitional government and to lead to genuinely free elections" Guaidó said in an interview. with the Italian TV channel Sky24.

The regime of Nicolás Maduro has requested papal mediation this week, through a letter mentioning the possibility of opening "a process of dialogue".

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Guaidó, who has been recognized by dozens of countries, has accused Maduro of being responsible for the "murder of cold blood" dozens of opponents in the streets to "intimidate". And he said that he would be delighted to receive the Pope in Venezuela, which is "a very Catholic country".

Maduro had said: "I sent a letter to Pope Francis, I hope that it happens or that it is already in Rome, at the Vatican, saying that I serve the cause of Christ. And with that spirit, I asked for help in a process of facilitation and strengthening of the dialogue. "

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S addressing reporters on the Abu Dhabi flight, the Argentine pontiff said he would be willing to play the role of mediator as long as both parties would ask him.

"We will see what can be done, but for the mediation, the will of both parties is necessary, the initial conditions are clear: that the parties ask for it, we are always available," said the pope.

He added: "It's like when people go to see the priest because a problem between husband and wife: we go .. And the other part comes or does not come? Do you want or do not you want? Both parties are still needed. This is a condition that countries must take into account before requesting facilitation or the presence of a savior or mediation. Both parties, always "

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Vatican spokesman insisted Thursday that Francisco "reserves the right to check the will"from the Venezuelan government and the opposition to determine if the conditions are right for mediation.

The official statement was signed by the Acting Director of the Holy See Press Office, Alessandro Gisotti.

Maduro and the pope. (Archives)

Maduro and the pope. (Archives)

The Venezuelan Church said on Wednesday that the pope's mediation was "unachievable" because it is only a resource that Maduro calls "when it looks tight, with water around the neck".

The Holy See "has already intervened 2 years ago and The attitude of the regime not to advance agreements was a mockery"warned Cardinal Baltazar Porras.

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sources: EFE, Europa Press, Reuters and Archive.


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