Juan Guaidó announced his "Country Plan" against the economic crisis and called on China and Russia to negotiate – 31/01/2019


Venezuela's self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaidó, presents his plan on Thursday to deal with the country's economic debacle, reinforced by the recognition of Eurocámara, which puts more pressure on President Nicolás Maduro.

At a meeting with academics and MPs, the Speaker of Parliament, accompanied by several experts and diplomats, presented his "bailout" of the country's battered economy. He promised to look for investments to attract funds to Venezuela. And he especially called China and Russia, main allies of the Maduro regime, to negotiate and seek opportunities.

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Priority number 1 will be, he said, to attend the humanitarian emergency. But he admitted that it will not be easy. "We live in a dictatorship", but despite this, he called for "working as a society" to carry out this plan.

As well promised to create jobs, stabilize inflation and reactivate the oil industry. "This plan is not new, it does not get ready overnight, it's been preparing for years," he said.

"They told us there was no plan, that when we talked about him for years, it was the sum of a lot of technical input, of human talent," Guaidó told an auditorium crowded university, after several academics.

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"It is the best time to present a social consensus, to be able to move forward, to attend the emergency, to witness the urgency of the reconstruction of Venezuela," said the leader of the opposition. .

"We have a plan, well thought out, structured, in each area "he badured. And he stressed that the commitment of the entire population will be important. "What is the role of every sector of the economy in this plan: the farmers, the armed forces, the international community," is a central point, he said.

Mr Guaidó thanked the United States and the European Parliament for "the recognition of a democratic act, of a peaceful act". And he noticed: "We are arranging for this plan to have the necessary fundsThis is not an isolated plan. "For this, he said, they are in talks with the international community to obtain the logistical and financial support needed to implement the plan.

"This is an excellent team of leaders committed to development," he said. He listed the professionals working on this plan, so that it becomes a law that has "legal and legal scaffolding" to implement it.

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"The central elements of the plan will be to recover the state and put it at the service of the population, to no longer be a state of terror, fear and social control," he said. And he harshly criticized Nicolás Maduro's government subsidy policy, which is, he says, another "social control" tool.

Another axis of the plan, said Guaidó, will be "reinsert Venezuela into the world"and to build confidence in the country in order to attract investment again." To this end, he insisted that the "termination of the usurpation" of Maduro would be essential in advance.

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"The center of this plan is the people, it's the citizen," he said. And he promised to fight against the lack of electricity, water, against the ranks to get food and necessities.

The self-proclaimed interim president also called for "recovering freedom and exercising on the street". And he called again for mobilization this Saturday, when a big march of opposition is planned in Caracas and in other cities of the country.

Guaidó stressed that the essential will be to generate a consensus and to obtain the support of the whole population to advance this plan.

The political conflict arises amidst the collapse of the former oil power, which suffers from a shortage of food and medicine and a hyperinflation that the IMF predicts at 10,000,000% this year.


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