Juan Guaidó assured that "soon" would come back to Venezuela to "exercise" functions


Venezuela's self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaidó, said Tuesday that "soon" will return to Venezuela "exercise" functions in the Chamber and as head of state, although he did not specify a specific date.

"We do not badume this commitment to fight from the outside, which is why I will soon be in Venezuela to perform my duties as president. Nothing will stop us"said the opposition leader in a message posted via a Twitter account, accompanied by the hashtag #VamosBien.

We do not badume this commitment to fight from the outside, that is why I will soon be in Venezuela to perform my duties as President (E).

I will circulate an audio with the next instructions. I ask you to mbadively broadcast our message

Nothing will stop us.#We are well pic.twitter.com/W5SJBWr61S

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) February 27, 2019

Guaidó went to Colombia last Friday to lead the operation to coordinate the entry into the country of several tons of food and medicines corresponding to humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, on Monday, he was in Bogotá to attend a meeting of the Lima group, where he held several meetings with allies. The United States also participated.

In his message of Tuesday, Guaidó also published a video in which he takes again his motto "let's go well". recognize him as an agent legitimate of Venezuela.

In this regard, he said the soldiers themselves had confirmed that the Maduro government had strengthened the state security forces. several hundred prisoners "to shoot the people" Last Saturday, when the opposition tried to donate to the country and there were clashes with the police and the army.

This Tuesday there were conflicts in the Francisco de Paula Santander Bridge (AP).
This Tuesday there were conflicts in the Francisco de Paula Santander Bridge (AP).

"Also, from the lowest to the highest rank, they blame the fact that a minister – referring to the minister of the Venezuelan Penitentiary Service, Iris Varela – provides weapons and uniforms to criminals"he added.

He also said that "in the coming days", Parliament will communicate "strong measures" to condemn these events. Guaidó further badured that his interim mandate is recognized "by the world's leading democracies", while Maduro is, he said, a man "more and more alone and more desperate".


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