Juan Guaidó denounced that Nicolás Maduro’s regime funds repression and persecution in Cuba


Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó.  EFE / MIGUEL GUTIÉRREZ / Archives
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó. EFE / MIGUEL GUTIÉRREZ / Archives

Venezuela’s interim president Juan Guaidó accused to the regime of Nicolás Maduro de finance “repression and persecution” in Cuba, after Maduro’s executive vice president Delcy Rodríguez met with Cuban dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel.

While the world rejects repression and persecution, Maduro’s dictatorship is funding them in Cuba. They have cooperated for years in the violation of human rights ”, Guaidó said on Twitter sharing a screenshot of a tweet from Díaz-Canel in which he posted a photo of his meeting with Rodríguez.

Delcy Rodríguez with Cuban President Diaz-Canel (@PadronPantoja)
Delcy Rodríguez with Cuban President Diaz-Canel (@PadronPantoja)

“This photo represents contempt for human beings, it does not represent Venezuelans and Cubans who are fighting for freedom and democracy,” Guaidó added.

The Chavist Vice President visited to show her support for her ally, the dictator of Cuba, Miguel Diaz Canel, who received it this Friday in Havana. During the meeting, he reported to the EFE agency, Rodríguez sent Díaz-Canel “a message of solidarity and support” from his boss, Nicolás Maduro, “Faced with the political communication campaign against Cuba and the intensification of the economic embargo maintained by the United States.

Cuban official television did not give many details about the meeting, only reported that the two discussed the main aspects of cooperation links and other topics of interest, such as the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The official media of the Cuban regime did not at any time mention the historic demonstrations against the Castro dictatorship, but they were surely the central axis of the meeting.

Cuba Yes Venezuela have been in a carnal relationship since the times of Chavez Yes Fidel Castro. In these first years of the century, the Cuban dictator approached the Bolivarians when oil represented a balm for Havana.

2018 file photo Venezuelan dictator visited Havana
2018 file photo Venezuelan dictator visited Havana

Since 2001, the two regimes have maintained a broad cooperative agreement whereby Havana receives crude at preferential prices in exchange for shipping professional services to Venezuela, mainly doctors and teachers. From then on, Castroism interfered more and more in the internal affairs of Venezuela until it became a fundamental element of the Chavist dictatorship.

The decline in Chavista aid in recent years has been one of the key factors in the serious crisis Cuba is currently facing., a situation that has also been influenced by the tightening of US sanctions, the delay in reforms aimed at remedying the ineffectiveness of the Cuban economic model and, last year, the coronavirus pandemic.

On Sunday July 11, thousands of Cubans spontaneously took to the streets to protest against Castro's dictatorship.
On Sunday July 11, thousands of Cubans spontaneously took to the streets to protest against Castro’s dictatorship.


“From Venezuela, we reiterate our support for the entire pro-democracy movement in Cuba. We are united by the struggle to see ourselves free and democratic ”, Guaidó wrote on his Twitter account.

The protests are the biggest challenge the Communist regime has faced since taking power by force in 1959. It is the biggest protest in decades against the Cuban dictatorship, which has described the protests as a campaign promoted on social networks by its opponents off the island.

The protests in Cuba took place in different places in the Caribbean country, such as San Antonio de Los Baños, Güira de Melena and Alquízar in the western province of Artemisa, Palma Soriano in the east of Santiago de Cuba, Cienfuegos and also in Havana.

(with information from the EFE)


Juan Guaidó expressed his support for the protests against the Cuban regime
The United States has assured that it will “sit alongside Juan Guaidó” at the negotiating table with the Nicolás Maduro regime

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