Juan Guaidó has announced that he will accompany students and young people from all over the country on the # 12F walk



Political organizations, with interim president Juan Guaidó at the helm, they announced that will accompany the students this Friday February 12, Youth Day, in a march called across the country against the regime of Nicolás Maduro and “his failed political model”.

“Let’s go with the Venezuelan youth tomorrow (Friday) # 12F! Internal pressure, unifying the struggles of all factors, union, leadership and articulation with international allies are decisive in reaching a solution to the crisis, ”Guaidó wrote on his Twitter account.


Political parties opposed to Chavismo and student unions have indicated that “It will not only be the commemoration of Youth Day, but also the restart of a stage of mobilization and struggle ”.

Today we are organizing to take back the streets against the regime which continues to criminalize the demonstrationSaid Celeste Pérez, spokesperson for the youth of political parties, and stressed that his group has never ceased to fight for democracy in Venezuela.

Representatives of 27 political organizations announced their membership in the demonstration with young people on Friday.

Juan Guaidó, Interim President of Venezuela, meets with students
Juan Guaidó, Interim President of Venezuela, meets with students

On behalf of our political organization, we join, along with the rest of the brothers of the political organizations of the democratic alternative, in the appeal launched by the youth of Venezuela to demonstrate in public places tomorrow (today) February 12 .”Said Delsa Solórzano, president of the Citizen Encounter party.

Solórzano pointed out that today’s march marks the restart, the first step, of young people in their struggle for freedom. “We know that a single march, a single demonstration, as eternal as it may seem, is not enough to obtain freedom, but we will always join the fight for democracy,” he added.


In addition, the opposition policy has ensured that Venezuelans are aware of the reality of the country. “Here, we, citizens, are not fooled, Venezuelans are very clear on what is happening in our nation“, He said.

For his part, Snehyli Suárez, representative of a student association, denounced the serious deterioration of education throughout Venezuela and underlined the precarious conditions in which teachers try to exercise their profession.

Terry Villanueva, another young student leader, said: “This road that we must build cannot only be for Venezuelan youth, it must be for all Venezuelans, we young people are ready to join all democratic sectors. of the country to fight together. for Venezuela “.

Group of students announcing the march of # 12F
Group of students announcing the march of # 12F

Last Wednesday, during a press conference, Guaidó assured that on February 12 the opposition will reactivate the internal mobilization “because we are not doing anything being the majority of us”.

Representatives of Venezuelan youth urged citizens to take to the streets of the main streets of the country. And the leaders of the opposition parties called on “all Venezuelans to march for freedom, to show that they will not surrender until democracy is restored”.

On the other hand, since the elections called by the Chavist regime in December of last year – and considered fraudulent by the vast majority of the international community – Guaidó underlined the importance of continuing to face the dictatorship with “unity”, both inside and outside the borders..

The intention of the Maduro dictatorship is to destroy the democratic alternative in Venezuela (…) We are aligned with the restoration of our democracy, our freedom and above all the dignity of a countrys ”, declared the interim president during a forum organized by the Fundación Libertad and which was publicized by the journalist and writer Álvaro Vargas Llosa.

During his presentation, which lasted almost an hour, Guaidó described the current situation in the country and what will be the main guidelines of the interim government to deal with the regime’s “persecution and censorship”.

After more than 20 years of Chavismo in power, Venezuela is plunged into the worst humanitarian crisis in its history, and the worst the continent has reported in modern history. In the videoconference, in which he participated Infobae, Guaidó said that the situation facing the country “It’s so painful, that it translates into the indicators of a country at war”: “We are talking about refugees, displaced persons, migrants, who will soon be more numerous than the Syrians … The lack of care for chronic diseases, even today in the midst of a pandemic. In Venezuela too, there is uncertainty about basic things like what to eat tomorrow, or whether to bathe or not, because there is no water ”.


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