Juan Guaidó leads mass march in Caracas to demand Venezuela's "freedom"


The leader of the opposition in Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, will lead a market in Caracas to ask the European Union to recognize him as acting president of this country and, in turn, to reiterate the request of Nicolás Maduro leave the power.

"We all have to go to the streets of Venezuela and the world with a clear goal: accompany the ultimatum given by the members of the European Union (EU). We will make the biggest step in Venezuela and in the history of our continent, "said Guaidó.

Guaidó will lead the mbadive mobilization in Caracas.
Guaidó will lead the mbadive mobilization in Caracas.

The event will take place the same day that the ruling party celebrates the 20 years of the so-called "revolution" Bolivariana "done by the late Hugo Chávez.

The mobilization is scheduled for 10:00 am (local time) and will be held in five different points of Caracas: El Marqués, the Santa Fe Distributor, the Cafetal Boulevard, the Millennium Shopping Center and the Paza José Martí in Chacaíto.

The protest coincides with the day when the deadline that Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom and France set in Maduro for call for free elections. Until now, the leader of the opposition has obtained the recognition of the European Parliament, but there is no consensus in the European Union. Italy has recently stated that she does not recognize either Guaidó or Maduro. In reality, Europe is demanding new presidential elections.

The United States, on the other hand, supported by several Latin American countries, recognized Guaidó almost immediately after January 23, in the middle of a mbadive demonstration, he had proclaimed himself president.


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