Juan Guaidó reported he had coronavirus


Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó

The President in charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, reported that after spending four days in quarantine for exhibiting discomfort, he tested positive for COVID-19, The information was released on Saturday via his Twitter account.

“As president in charge, but also as a Venezuelan, and especially as a human being, I want to responsibly inform the country that after four days of quarantine due to certain discomforts and despite having taken precautions , I tested positive for covid-19 “Guaidó announced it on his official account on the social network Twitter.

He also indicated that his symptoms are mild and that he is in isolation, following medically indicated recovery. “After seeing the results, I informed all the people I was in contact with”, he assured.

The president also of the legitimate Parlamneto expressed his solidarity with the thousands of Venezuelans who are suffering from the pandemic and sent them a message of support. “Today we all have a family member or acquaintance affected by covid-19, I also know the sacrifice our health workers make.”

“In Venezuela, the peak of infections is increasing and we have the highest death rate in the region. This has been avoided and must be stopped by the implementation of a serious and responsible vaccination program, for which we continue to fight daily from the National Assembly. “added.

Guaidó has claimed he will keep citizens informed of his coronavirus recovery process. “I know that together we will overcome the pandemic and the emergency”, concluded.

Meanwhile, the regime of Nicolás Maduro ratified on Wednesday that will not allow the entry into the country of AstraZeneca vaccines, the arrival of which was managed by the opposition leader Juan Guaidó via the COVAX mechanism of the World Health Organization (WHO), one day after the negotiations for his arrival are unblocked.

Delcy Rodríguez, vice president of Maduro, insisted during a conference in Miraflores palace that “on March 15, we met with representatives of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). where we inform that Venezuela has not approved the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine ”. “We don’t need documents”, he expressed, according to the portal AlbertoNews. A few days earlier, he had justified the decision to reject the admission of inoculants on the basis of the alleged “effects it has on patients”.

Le Chavista also indicated that the public prosecutor would “thoroughly” investigate Guaidó for these efforts. “Guaidó should be accused of assassinations, terrorism, corruption, theft, promoting sanctions and blockades,” he said.

His statements come a day after Ciro Ugarte, director of PAHO’s Department of Health Emergencies, was highlighted at a press conference. He opens negotiations to obtain AstraZeneca vaccines after the Guaidó government approved the first installment of $ 18 million.

Guaidó accused Nicolás Maduro of making political use of access to vaccines against the COVID-19 disease in the country and urged the dictator to finish this practice.

“The politicization that the dictatorship intends to give to administer the vaccine must be put aside, they cannot continue to discriminate and generate social control through the aid necessary for Venezuelans”Guaido said.

For his part, Maduro said his regime intends to start vaccinating the Venezuelan population in July with doses of Abdala, the Cuban vaccine against COVID-19 that has not been evaluated or cleared by regulators. international and which is still in the testing phase. .

“We are working with the Chinese vaccine, with the Russian vaccine and the experiments in Venezuela of the two Cuban vaccines, Soberana 2 and Abdala, now start in April, with the idea that in July we will already be massively vaccinating with Abdala”said the chavist leader.

“And we are looking for other interesting, safe, proven and scientifically approved by the health authorities of Venezuela as it should “he added.

Maduro announced that Venezuela to receive 60,000 doses from Cuban vaccine projects Soberana 02 and Abdala in the first week of April, which the country will use to participate in the final phase of clinical trials of potential inoculants.

En otra alocución televisada, informó that 30,000 unidades de cada una de estas vacunas llegarán al país para ser aplicadas en la tercera y última fase de ensayos, tal como ocurrió con la rusa Sputnik V, que escogió a Venezuela como el primer paraís his studies.

The decision was widely criticized by Venezuelan health organizations. Venezuela’s National Bioethics Center (CENABI) has warned of the “great risks” faced by those involved in testing Cuban coronavirus vaccines.


Venezuelan regime to start applying Cuban Abdala vaccine in July, which has not completed trials or approved
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