Juan Guaidó reported that his office manager had been kidnapped – 21/03/2019


Venezuela's political police raided the homes of two close badociates of the Speaker of the National Assembly and interim President Juan Guaidó in Caracas at dawn on Thursday. The head of the office of the president of the Congress, Roberto Marrero, He was stopped after registration.

The houses of Marrero and opposition MP Sergio Vergara, who are neighbors, were registered by members of the National Intelligence Service of Bolivia (SEBIN), the political police, who showed up at the scene. . in about ten vehicles and with long weaponsas indicated by both employees.

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"At this moment, they are entering the home of MP Vergara and my house, a powerful group of SEBIN," said Marrero in a telephone recording in which violent blows are heard in the background. According to the opponents, the officers demolished a door to access the house.

"Unfortunately, they came to see me, keep fighting, do not stop, take care of the president," added Marrero.

Refusing the raid on his home, Vergara, who heads the parliamentary faction of the Voluntad People's Party, said on his Twitter account he denounced to the international community "the outrage of the regime by violating my parliamentary immunity" .

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"For the moment, they are held hostage," Guaidó said, which more than 50 countries recognize as Venezuela's acting president, on his Twitter account, to denounce the raids.

This morning, the usurper regime illegally searched my home and that of @ROBERTOMARRERO, Chief of the President's Office @not a wordThey removed it and laid down weapons.

The fight for the best Venezuela continues. This new outrage gives us the strength to go from the front. pic.twitter.com/Y7XRAcwVlT

– SERGIO VERGARA G. (@SergioVergaraG) March 21, 2019

Marrero and Vergara accompanied Guardó during a tour of South America at the end of February.

Vergara said that during the search of his home, about fifteen agents threw him to the ground and "violated" his home while questioning him about the location of the house. 39, lawyer Marrero, who worked at the National Assembly (Parliament).

Two prosecutors were present during the operation which lasted two hours, he added.

"They started hitting Roberto Marrero's house, which is a few meters from my door, until they managed to get in," he said. A driver who works for the legislative branch has also been arrested.

"The dictatorship continues to kidnap citizens," said Vergara, who reminded agents that he enjoyed parliamentary immunity.

Last January, the Maduro government released a video of a supposed secret meeting between the powerful ruling party leader Diosdado Cabello, Guaidó and Marrero. After initially denying that this meeting had taken place, the legislative officer has downplayed it.

The arrest of Marrero has further agitated the waters of the turbulent crisis in Venezuela which is heading for a new summit with Guaidó's warning that he will soon be traveling with his supporters to the Miraflores Presidential Palace, in Caracas, to take office.

Conviction of Argentina and the United States

"The Argentine government firmly repudiates the arbitrary arrest of Roberto Marrero, a collaborator of the task force of President Juan Guaidó, perpetrated this morning by Nicolás Maduro's illegitimate regime," an official statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shortly thereafter. l & # 39; arrest.

"Argentina demands its immediate release and that its physical integrity be ensured," adds the text, which also condemns "the raid and harbadment suffered by the deputy Sergio Vergara".

The statement adds that "faced with these blatant maneuvers of intimidation against President Guaidó and his collaborators, the Argentine government calls on the community of democratic countries to take a firm stand against this unfortunate arbitrariness".

From Washington. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also condemned the arrest of Marrero and demanded his "immediate release". "We will demand the responsibility of the people involved," Pompeo said on Twitter.

Washington is at the head of the group of nations that recognize Guaidó as chief executive after being sworn in at the end of January after Congress declared that Socialist President Nicolás Maduro usurped the accusation of To have been re-elected fraudulently.

Source: agencies


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