Juan Guaidó stressed Cristina Kirchner: "He used the resources of the state to finance ideological movements"


The so-called "president in charge" of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, questions the eventual return to power of former president Cristina Kirchner, who announced last week her participation in the Formula of Unidad Ciudad directed by Alberto Fernández.

In an interview with TN, the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela said that the Argentineans should think about "what was the power management that the previous government did", for or against the people. "We have all seen how Hugo Chávez, Lula da Silva or the Kirchner they used the resources of our states to fund an ideological movement", criticized, in an advance of the report that this Saturday will be broadcast at 14h TN International.

In this sense, Guaidó continued: "We have all seen how corruption in Odebrecht spread throughout Latin America, how Venezuelan money, in the case of PDVSA, was laundered in many places and also financed campaigns. "

In the case of Argentina, the opposition to Chavismo recalled the case of Venezuelan businessman Guido Antonini Wilson who wanted to enter, in 2007, with a suitcase containing 800 $ 000.

"All this leads me to think about the management of power that they have given him for and against the people." As for Venezuela, the use they gave to power, to the men of the state and how they have embezzled millions of dollars to the detriment of the region", he said about the Chavez administration.

"What the governments did was not to safeguard the treasure of Latin America, Venezuelans or Argentines, but to try to promote personalist projects that led to a great crisis in the region, but especially in Venezuela to destroy the country, "he concluded.


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