Juan Guaidó thanked the support of Mauricio Macri and the Argentine people


He also said "to avoid a violent outcome" when he was questioned about the possibility of an external military intervention; and, referring to China and Russia, he said that a government of his will would respect in Venezuela only "lawful investments".

The statements were published today in an interview conducted by the newspaper Clarín. "We are very grateful to the government of President Mauricio Macri and the people of Argentina. His support for the Venezuelan diaspora and the cause of Venezuelan democracy has been considerable, "said Guaidó.

In the same sense, he added that "President Macri was one of the world leaders with the most support we felt"

On the other hand, questioned about the possibility of an external armed intervention, he hoped that "this will never happen, we want to avoid a violent outcome".


The column of the New York Times by Juan Guaidó: "The union is the strength and the salvation of all Venezuela"

He also stressed that "no", it is "live hidden" and that his "actions are public".

But he regretted to be "under the threat of arrest and harbadment of the repressive organs that still answer Nicolás Maduro" "to insist that it is not their fight but the" Venezuelan society as a whole ".

On the other hand, he badyzed that "there is a climate of extortion and persecution" within the Venezuelan armed forces.

On Russia and China, these countries "are direct witnesses of widespread corruption and waste in Venezuela over the last 20 years".

"The determination of the transitional government that we are taking is to honor all the commitments that the Republic has legally acquired, that is to say those that have been validly approved by the National Assembly, and we will respect the legitimate investments made by the companies of these countries ".


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