Juan Guaidó: "The military intervention is excluded in Venezuela" – 04/13/2019


The first surprise of the vertiginous takeoff that has gained popularity as a political leader who, in less than three months, monopolizes the covers of the world's leading newspapers, is his own Juan Guaidó. "Who would have imagined," he says, pointing out that Clarin is the first Argentinian media to which he grants a personal and unwritten interview.

The young acting president of Venezuela, acne granite on the chin, born 35 years ago in Guaira, on the coast of Caracas, watches over his image, always tie and dark suit. He said he was looking forward to the return of his wife, Fabiana Rosales, who toured for two weeks in major cities in the Americas.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

He says they've been threatened and persecuted since the day he was sworn into the presidency of Parliament on January 5 and then on Jan. 23 as an internal agent.

"We went twice shot at events by paramilitary groups and they threaten us every day, "said Guaidó, an industrial engineer and member of the liberal party Voluntad Popular, created by the regime's most famous political prisoner, Leopoldo López.

"It's been three months since you started this fight and Nicolás Maduro has not fallen in. Is there some stagnation in the process?

-Three months ago we went a long way to put Maduro on the rope, but do not forget that we have been fighting against the Chavist regime for years.

Interview with Juan Guaido in Venezuela

Interview with Juan Guaido in Venezuela

Venezuela, at the limit

– Until where can you go by offering guarantees going beyond the law of amnesty so that the military, as you propose, are those who take Maduro?

-There are some questions that can not be discussed in public. In these times of crisis and violation of our sovereignty with the presence of Colombian guerrillas, ELN and other irregular groups, it is not convenient to raise transactional issues to preserve the institutional character of the national armed force.

-The countries of the Lima group and the European Community reject a military intervention in Venezuela. Why do you insist on the subject?

– Here, in fact, there is an illegitimate military intervention like that of Russia and Cuba authorized by Maduro. And the only one that can authorize a foreign mission and intervention is the national parliament. This eliminates any possibility of military intervention.

Do not you think that putting all the options on the table, including the army, favors Maduro?

-Maduro is the only one to have put the military intervention on the table when he talks with Bashar Al Assad and threatens to turn the country into another Syria. And the opening of Iranian flights between Tehran and Caracas. Those who seek a military solution are them.

Here in fact, there is already an illegitimate military intervention, like the Russian and the Cuban, authorized by Maduro.

– But what is your concrete position on military intervention?

-We have never put the military option on the table. We talked about international cooperation. It's the Maduro diet that has done it and it's a scandal.

– Have you spoken to the Russians?

– Ultimately, the Russians know it and they said that the resolution of the conflict went back to the Venezuelans. The national parliament is the one that authorizes binational agreements. And yes, we told you that we will only recognize binational contracts legitimately authorized by the legislature.

-Maduro says Russia is a technical cooperation …

– The fact is that there are unauthorized Russian troops in Venezuela. And they have to leave.

Look also

– What else have talked with the Russians?

-In the oil sector, we talked with the Russians and all the countries. Investments will be recognized.

-The international community is talking about moving the elections forward. Why did not you call them yet?

-To hold truly free elections, the National Electoral Council must be re-institutionalized and the country re-institutionalized, before the end of the usurpation.

– So, how are you doing?

-The optimal output is stability at the lowest cost possible. There can be no military intervention but international cooperation. Simón Bolívar requested the intervention of the British Legion. We know that the duration of military intervention is controversial. In the case of Venezuela, this is not the corresponding figure because Maduro's rhetoric speaks of interventionism and interference.

Cuban doctors continue in Venezuela?

– Many Cuban doctors have left, more than 2,000 remain, most of them intelligence, counterintelligence and security services.

A painting on which one can read "The dictator of Maduro" on San Martin Avenue, located in the center of Caracas (EFE)

A painting on which one can read "The dictator of Maduro" on San Martin Avenue, located in the center of Caracas (EFE)

-It is known about discontent in the barracks, but what about generals?

-The military spoke like the sergeants of Cotiza, the 1,000 soldiers who crossed the border with Colombia and Brazil.

-But not the general's leadership who continues to support power?

– That's right, but 97% of the country is against Maduro and 91% want a change of government, according to the latest polls. We are therefore waiting for the active generals to pronounce themselves.

Look also

– Do you think that the army doubts the guarantees of the amnesty offered?

-The decisions are very personal. We are building warranty space for the future of employees and public officials in all sectors, including the military.

-How long do you think you can tolerate this crisis situation?

-Time is not at the heart of this crisis of electricity, water and all services. Venezuela has already collapsed. We have a complex humanitarian emergency. Maduro's regime lives in a bubble, it no longer has the ability to stay and stay in power. The country can not stand it anymore.

Venezuelan flags at one of the steps of Juan Guaidó. (Reuters)

Venezuelan flags at one of the steps of Juan Guaidó. (Reuters)

-Maduro recalled the dialogue last weekend, what would he answer?

– Cessation of the usurpation, transitional government and free elections. Any solution or dialogue pbades before the exit of the Maduro usurper.

– Is there a possibility that your itinerary is reversed, ie the first elections and the others?

– For this to happen, we always go back to the original route. I did not call for elections because we are under a dictatorship. First, there must be a process of reinstitutionalization of the country. Maduro has not been re-elected in 2018. Nobody has acknowledged this fraudulent election. That is why we are in this crisis of usurpation of functions. The one who puts a cost on this process is the regime of fear. The 7 and 9 people of the regime close the solution.

I did not call for elections because we are under a dictatorship. First, there must be a process of reinstitutionalization of the country.

-Who are these 7 or 9 people with so much power? Are there any soldiers?

-I can not mention them, the army is part of the process.

And dissident chavists who ask for a consultative referendum?

– Even these agree that, regardless of the type of election, a new National Electoral Council must exist. Everything goes through a process of reinstitutionalization because of minimal conditions of transparency and competition, which Maduro does not want. I spoke with them and from other sectors.

Bolivarian militias demonstrate in power during the parade of militants on April 13. (AFP)

Bolivarian militias demonstrate in power during the parade of militants on April 13. (AFP)

-The border is still closed by Maduro's orders, how do you plan to enter humanitarian aid after the February 23 failure?

-That help between already. Just as the bridges are closed, other roads open under a dictatorship. This week, we delivered a lot of this help material. We will deliver 20 tons of medical equipment and products. We move the packages from door to door with great discretion and care.

– How would you define Maduro's dictatorship?

-Sidic and miserable. It blocks food and medicine for a hungry and needy people and also enjoys this attitude. We expect more than two million percent inflation and the World Bank predicts about 10 million percent of hyperinflation. The economic contraction this year will be 25%. The minimum monthly salary is $ 5 and decreases.

– How would you define your future transitional government?

-The rescue of human rights. There are no labels when we are in a disaster and an emergency. Today, we are at levels of primitivism due to the presence of basic services such as water, electricity and food. In the new government, the economy will be a free market, open to investment, social justice and freedom of badociation.


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