Judgment in Spain to the managers of the Seriesyonkis page


The sites Seriesyonkis.com, Peliculasyonkis.com and Videosyonkis.com would have caused losses of more than 500 million euros to copyright holders, according to an badociation of audiovisual producers.

Created in 2008 by a member of the University of Murcia (south-east), the pages made available to Internet users return to other sites where we can watch them in streaming or download free movies and popular series, in alphabetical order.

Its founder, identified as A.G. by the Public Ministry, has benefited from advertising and has reached a large number of users in Spain and Latin America. In April 2010, he sold the estates for 610,000 euros to three other people, also sitting on the accused's seat. The three sites, sold at the end of 2014, stopped redirecting to pirated content.

The prosecution requests the closure of the pages and imposes on each of the four former administrators a sentence of two years imprisonment, a fine of about 4,000 euros as well as an indemnity to two detaining entities copyright and producers.

In 2016, another Spanish site, Rojadirecta, which made links available to watch sports events, was sentenced to a suspension of activity, the court saying that it violated the intellectual property of the groups that had the right to retransmit matches.

Spain adopted a reform at the beginning of the year to facilitate the closure of sites repeatedly violating intellectual property.


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