Judgments on the cases Cristina, Florencia and Máximo Kirchner, not summoned to appear – 04/09/2019


The Kirchner family has two cases in oral proceedings which, for the first time, will lead Cristina and her children to stand trial with Lázaro Báez. There are two cases in which money laundering tactics have been investigated in real estate and hotel operations. The files, submitted to an oral trial in October and last March, had been badigned by the Court but in the last days started a discussion about who should judge the investigations and whether they should be done unified or unified. If everything is resolved quickly, the trials could start towards the end of the year.

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Los Sauces SA and Hotesur SA are the main companies of Kirchner. Dedicated to the rental of real estate – in the second case exclusively of hotels – they were investigated in accordance with the contracts signed with the contractors of Kirchner, Lázaro Báez and Cristóbal López. In the case of real estate, operations have been estimated at more than 30 million pesos. Justice estimates that some 80 million of them have been laundered.

During their investigation, the cases involved different courts, but with months of difference, they moved Prosecutions for money laundering by Cristina Kirchner and her children, who played, according to justice, important roles in companies. The cases were brought to oral proceedings and another discussion was launched a week ago.

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The Federal Oral Court 5 (TOF N ° 5), which includes the state of health of Florencia Kirchner, is badigned to Los Sauces, but its judges understood that this investigation should relate jointly on the management of works of the public highway of Santa Cruz in favor of the southern group (commercial conglomerate of Báez). This case has the TOF # 2 and has already set a date for the start of the trial on May 21st. For this reason, magistrates They rejected the fact that causes go hand in hand. They seek to avoid delaying the trial that already has a date and will judge Cristina Kirchner for the first time in a case of corruption.

When they asked for unification, the judges of TOF N ° 5 recalled that the Federal Chamber – a body of control of the decision of the judges – had concluded that the procurement of roads for the amount of 46 000 million pesos in favor of businessman K was the previous crime. other causes of corruption. The judges understood that Part of these funds were used for the rental of real estate (Los Sauces) and the hotel business (Hotesur), to finally join the badets of Kirchner.

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At the same time, the Federal Oral Court 8 (TOF N ° 8), with a similar proposal, stated that Hotesur, owner of the Alto Calafate hotel, should not be judged alone, because shares 16 actions imputed in the Los Sauces case and "investigation of the same crime"that is to say money laundering through real estate Therefore, his judges believe that Hotesur should be sent to TOF 5 – who originally has this cause – and that both must be tried in a single trial.

How is the discussion resolved? It will be the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cbadation which will determine whether Los Sauces and Hotesur should be unified and, in such a case, the court should hold the oral and public trial which will be mainly accused of the former president and her children Máximo and Florencia Kirchner .

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In badyzing the terms of this debate, judicial sources pointed out Clarin only in case of unification, in both cases the previous steps must be completed set a date for the start of the trial, that is to say the presentation of evidence, or even possible observations of the parties requesting the suspension or nullity of the proceedings. With whom, they estimate "Let's hope the trial can start later this year".

Beyond the schedule of hearings, the former President and Máximo have parliamentary which gives them immunity from arrest. Cristina until 2023, and his son until December of this yearhe does not renew his banking operations as a national deputy. The only one who does not have a receipt is Florencia Kirchner, who has stay in Cuba in front of a health box that, according to his defense, prevents him for the moment to return to Argentina.


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