Juices and rules. How is breakfast with the Liberals a hot topic for young people?


The Libertad Foundation organizes a meeting with the leaders each month

It is 8:30, punctual. A room lit by two large lamps of caireles is filled with hot liberals with wire sweaters under their neat sacks. Even the address in which they were quoted for this breakfast indicates their motto: Freedom 1264.

This breakfast, which is held every month between the members of the Freedom Foundation and officials of the
out of the record, exceptionally open today and allowing him to participate
THE NATION, with an explicit request: to make it punctual. But the minutes pbad and the two star guests in the morning, Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie and economist Ricardo López Murphy do not appear and, therefore, the velvet curtains that separate the reception and the venue breakfast do not come off.

In the time of waiting, an anomaly occurs. Among the men wearing the headband, a young woman sneaks among: Luciana, 27, a graduate in international relations and a staff member of the Judicial Council. Luciana regularly participates in these events, at the invitation of one of the referents of liberal youth: Antonella Marty, also 27, also from Rosario.

Luciana says that, although today she has fallen asleep, young people are increasingly interested in this stream of thought and that the reluctance that still arises in some others is related. to confusion: liberalism is confused with neoliberalism and I remember the crisis badociated with it. Theirs is in any case a battle for meaning. "The pillar of liberalism that represents me is the economic opening," says Luciana, "free trade without paying taxes".

Liberals have agreed that foreign trade agreements are a
Liberals have agreed that foreign trade agreements are an "excellent discipline" of the country's internal conduct

Marty is one of the referents of the group of young people who, at the headquarters of the foundation in Rosario, summons about 35 boys and girls, representatives of what some call "liberalism".
millennium"In addition, Marty is badociate director of a
think thank you Washington, where he deals more specifically with monitoring the situation in Venezuela and Cuba.

At 8:48, Faurie and López Murphy appear in the light of the street – which will then demand a "brutal bronchitis" and fever – and then, the thick curtains will open, exposing the tables set up by the bar Croque Madame in a living room Italian Circle There are coffee cups and glbades with squeezed orange juice; Individual fruit salads, toast and raspberry jam, croissants, scones. The central table is actually a round consisting of several tables quickly occupied by 44 people. Among them, seven are women.

Faurie is the first to speak. Standing on the stage that sits behind the main side of the table – so the authorities are listening to you with your back, staring at the orange juice – highlights the importance of the recent trade agreement signed between Mercosur and the European Union and pbades the list of all the others that Argentina has on hold. "We have a negotiation process with EFTA (European non-EU countries), which we hope to complete by November, and with Canada, which will surely bring in for the first half of the year. Next year, and the one we have We are expecting Singapore, which should be finalized in the first months of the second part of 2020. Japan hopes that Mercosur will be able to announce at the Brasilia meeting the framework of the negotiation that we will put in place with them, "he added.

The Liberals present – who express through the words of the President of the Freedom Foundation, Gerardo Bongiovanni, that Argentina's foreign policy is the domain of the current government with which they feel most "at ease "- do not listen so carefully. They are baffled by the noise of the teaspoons that come up.

López Murphy goes to the theater wrapped in a scarf and says that despite the physical discomfort, it seems important to respect the commitment made to discuss "Axial Issues for the Development of Argentina". He wonders why we are going wrong. "Because we are acting against our interests," he replies. Faurie nods.

The breakfast was organized by the Freedom Foundation and brought together members and authorities. Among them, Gerardo Bongiovanni (president), Alejandro Bongiovanni (director), Francisco de Santibañez, Daniel Pereira and Fernando Álvarez.
The breakfast was organized by the Freedom Foundation and brought together members and authorities. Among them, Gerardo Bongiovanni (president), Alejandro Bongiovanni (director), Francisco de Santibañez, Daniel Pereira and Fernando Álvarez.

"Argentina desperately needs to abide by the rules, from the front to the inside," continues López Murphy, "to prevent arbitrariness from reigning again. Because, unfortunately our despotisms have never been enlightened, "he said. the morning. "I mean, for those who dream of this variant: despotism is bad, but when he is as ignorant, he is so dangerous," he adds, and laughter becomes a thunderous applause.

The second laugh appears a few minutes later. "We must have this modest and alberdian thing to get us to work," says the economist. "I'm obsessed with work." Some say I lost an election because I closed the campaigns with the slogan "Work, study, win at the sweat of the brow." They m? said: "My God, do not say it anymore, this is not the place!"

During the morning, the same request will be heard several times in different ways: "We must respect the law", "respect the contracts", "do not be crazy". Faurie will even say that with the Mercosur-European Union agreement, "we can not do what we do regularly in Argentina:" Come down halfway, betray it for this ridiculous idea of ​​living with the ours "." In the world, they look at us and they tell us: you are a serial rapist. "Everyone will agree that agreements with the whole world are an excellent" disciplinary mechanism of domestic politics "and it will soon be clear what would be the ideal place to celebrate this breakfast: Freedom and Rules.

The meeting has time for questions and the young Antonella Marty benefits. He takes the microphone and tells the Minister of Foreign Affairs that he thinks that the current situation in Venezuela is a consequence of the ignorance of the situation in Cuba for 60 years and the underestimation of the actors already intervened in this Caribbean country: Iran, Russia and China. He says that Hezbollah terrorist groups, ELN and FARC are allies of the regime and asks if, in this context, it is possible to insist on the negotiated exit, on the dialogue. The Foreign Minister replied succinctly: "I am not optimistic about the processes of eternal dialogue, we will discuss other possible departures next Tuesday in Lima."

"There's a man over there I saw him want to talk for a while," he says, after 10:30, López Murphy.

– There is no more time for questions – a moderator responds. -They are the rules



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