Jujuy: Successfully exploited the musician who had asked for 10,000 dollars in Bolivia


Manuel Vilca leaves the operation

San Salvador de Jujuy – The lumbar operation of Manuel Vilca, a musician from the town of La Mendieta, wounded in Bolivia, was successfully completed yesterday.
who was supposed to pay $ 10,000 in this country and had to be taken on a provincial government health aircraft for his intervention.

"I thank the government of Jujuy who helped me to transfer (to Manuel), because two months ago, there was almost nothing to do," he said.
THE NATION Maria Calisaya, mother of the boy. "The only thing possible in Bolivia was the running of the foot, which could be paid for," he said.

Vilca had an accident when the bus in which she was traveling overturned on December 8 near the town of Totora, Bolivia. Since then, he has been interned in the neighboring country, but the very high dollar costs of medical benefits only caused problems. The desperate request of his mother which reached the ears of the governor of Jujuy,

Gerardo Morales

He decided to repatriate him on a medical plane. In any case, the family had to pay the balance of their debt for medical services.

He was under observation for a few days, until Monday morning, when he was operated on for a fracture at the lumbar spine for four hours at Pablo Soria hospital in Jujuy. Although the operation was successful and the doctors were optimistic, they maintain a moderate position. On Wednesday, the head of trauma at the hospital will talk about surgery on the technical side.

"The patient is well, he is undergoing surgery and, following an evolutionary process, he has a fracture in the spine, but he will be absent next week, his convalescence period will be forty-five days," he said. he declares.
THE NATION Marcos Rivas, director of Pablo Soria Hospital.

While his son was outside the operating room, Calisaya expressed his anger at the Bolivian government: "Let him see for his people, because those are the ones who are suffering and who are forced to come in. Argentina to see, operates, everything, as much as it defends itself, which also defends its people, "he said referring to President Evo Morales.

This case has reopened the controversy for a reciprocal health accord in Bolivia requested by Argentina. As for Jujuy, there will be a session Wednesday in the Legislative Assembly of the capital, San Salvador, to discuss the collection of foreigners by the health service.


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