Julen's father spoke, the baby who died trapped in the well: "I curse that day" – 02/01/2019


After the news that held Spain in abeyance and an unprecedented operation of the 13th that ended with the discovery of Julen's body, the father of the two-year-old boy died after falling into a well at Malaga, gave an interview between a duel that only takes a few days. "I close my eyes and see the same thing: the well," said José Roselló.

While trying to rebuild her life with Victoria Garcia – both had already lost their three-year-old son, Óliver, a heart attack victim in 2017-, José remembers the scene that ended his son's life. "I curse myself, I curse that day. What a bad time I went there. I will not go to the country and I will not eat a plate of paella, "he said in an interview with Diario Sur.

José Roselló, Julen's father, at the baby's funeral (DPA)

José Roselló, Julen's father, at the baby's funeral (DPA)

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As the media pointed out, José had the initiative to give the interview "in order to advance a message of thanks to the people who helped save their son. "It must also be made clear that he no longer thinks the same thing as during the first conversation in front of the camera and that he asked for more resources to locate Julen.

"Can you believe that this morning (Monday) at 11 o'clock, we knew that a truck from Cadiz was landing and that they were waiting for the truck to come to repair the track? Well, do not put the mayor or anyone else to come, put what they do here, they do not do bullshit, it's been 30 hours since a child is stuck in a well. We die!Jose had said sternly when we were still hoping to find him alive.

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"We felt very safe, although the pain did not take anyone, I would be eternally grateful," said the baby's father. He added that he and his wife had read "excited" all messages of support from Spain and around the world.

They still have not returned to the family home, a house that a Victoria aunt gave her in the El Palo neighborhood in Malaga, where they moved after the death of their first child. "We lived with my family, but when we spent the winter we had to go because they were all memories. And now the same thing. You come in and start seeing dolls, bullets, "he says. We have been staying at a friend's house for three or four days and we only fall asleep at night. "

José said that he spent the nights of the operation drive with his wifenear the well where the baby fell on Sunday, January 13th.

The capsule in which they descended to save Julen's body (DPA)

The capsule in which they descended to save Julen's body (DPA)

"We saw perfectly how he fell through the hole. She (her cousin) is better than me because she was closer, "she says. Where will I be if I do not do it? Here, where I am And even in this case, I am too far from him, "he said in the early days, Juan José Cortés was the spokesperson for the family.

Meanwhile, the judicial investigation to determine whether there were responsible for the death of the baby is taking its course and with controversy. Judicial Association Francisco de Vitoria has expressed "outrage" at statements by the director of the Civil Guard, Felix Azón, who said the tragedy was being investigated as an irresponsible homicide and questioned that he had given details of the judicial procedure. He also asked that judges be allowed to act so that "as soon as possible" the relatives of the child can know what happened.

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In this sense, the entity recalled with a statement "who, paradoxically, came from the judicial career, what sad event is being investigated by an investigating judge of Malaga, who has decreed the secret of secrecy judicial".

"We ask that judges be allowed to work so that the relatives of the deceased can know as soon as possible the details of what happened," he said.


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