Juliana Awada dethroned Meghan Markle as a fashionista phenomenon


Ambbadador of a unique style, Juliana Awada it stands out from other "women-icons" of the idiosyncrasy of the world. At least, this is what the international media points out, describing it as the first lady who dethroned Meghan Markle absolute focus.

"The effect Juliana is the new effect of Meghan Markle"

"Each of their looks is meticulously badyzed by the trade press and the brands on which they bet become real bombs that could only capture the attention so much worn on the red carpet by a renowned actress." Juliana effect is the new effect Meghan Markle", they maintained the Spanish newspaper The confidential.

In addition, they badyzed from the middle why the boom in Awada at the World level. "This is the best branding: just type in Google the name of Gabriel Lage find innumerable items that indicate in the owner the designer as a favorite of Juliana Awada. Lage was chosen by the first lady to receive Barack Obama and then the international press was interested for the first time by the Argentine designer who finds Valentino as a reference. The Spanish press noticed Gabriel Lage when Juliana Awada visited our country and managed to leave Letizia Ortiz in second place, when Gabriel Lage is betting again, whose parades in our country are now attracting attention he would never have achieved if he had not dressed Argentina. Javier Saiach She also attracted media attention after dressing Juliana, who chose one of her creations at the G20 summit, "reads the article.

Recall that the businesswoman chooses with the utmost care the names with which she dresses, especially when it comes to a presidential tour, because she is very clear about the fact that the eyes of the whole world support it. That's why Juliana Choose to give visibility to regional designers, who are not always recognized. Threesome, Evangelina Bomparola, Tramando, Martín Churba and El Camarín, they are one of the Argentinean talents that are on their list of favorites.

Another point that stands out from Awada it is that "flirting with low cost and repeat dresses". Is this the woman of Mauricio Macri He is not afraid to wear clothes within the reach of anyone's pocket. In fact, during the last meeting with the queen Letizia chose to wear a total look by Zara Like her, Melania Trump and Maxima of Holland They are known for choosing "accessible" brands. In addition, they pointed out that the designer boasted of repeating outfits: "Her basic dress, lined in semi-leather leather and black lace with black fringes, was identical to the one she wore when wearing 39, a dinner with Ollanta Humala, then President of Peru ", recalled from The confidential

Continuing with the parallelism between Meghan and Juliana, unlike the first, Awada he could keep his Instagram personal, from which he shares his daily life. But in his networks, he does not only show his appearance, his travels and his professional commitments, but also his sports victories, his family life and some of the dishes he cooks.

Finally, the article emphasizes that Juliana Awada He claims gracefully the "long fashion", the dominant perfectly. "Juliana loves long dresses and long pants Capri, making ankles always the subtle epicenter of their looks. The first lady does not stick to the corseted looks requested by the codes and always puts on models that follow the trends. "


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