Julius Caesar was assassinated 2,065 years ago and it was his lucky day


The to guess they don’t always work. Nobody better than Julius Caesar to dismiss them since the famous Roman soldier and politician was assassinated on March 15, the day of the idus of march. Among the Romans, precisely, the 15th of March, May, July and October was always a lucky day.

This may not have been the case, since on March 15, 44 BC, good omens did not work. During a Senate session, Tilio Cimbro and Servilio Casca waited for Cayo Julius Caesar approached the statue of Pompey and at the signal of Marco Junius Brutus they murdered with the edge of their daggers to the man who he had only cried once in his life.

Indeed, according to the historian Cayo Suetonio Tranquilo, Julio César was a brave man who had “cried” only in front of a sculpture paying homage to Alexander the Great in Gades (today Cadiz). Julius Caesar, then 32 years old of age, he was reproached for his lack of military merits, in front of the memory of the Macedonian who At 33 he had died with his own empire.

This March 15, 44 BC C luck was not on Caesar’s side. 23 more stab wounds from other senators finished him off.

June gross mark He was born into a noble and wealthy family in 85 BC Even then he quickly ran through the cobblestones of Roma the rumor that his mother, Sermlia Cepione, a woman of character, rich, intelligent and one of those who did not remain silent, was Julius Caesar’s favorite lover.

Perhaps this is why the slander gave meaning to the famous words that the estdista uttered on the verge of his death: “” You too Brutus, my son. “

One clique feared that their thirst for power would lead them to self-proclaim dictator, and conspired to wipe it off the map. History, however, condemned Brutus and gave Caesar what was Caesar’s.

Octavio Caesar, nephew of the deceased, identified the exact place of murder and had a concrete structure 3 meters wide by 2 meters high placed on it, which is today known as the Largo di Torre Argentina archaeological area. Visiting its ruins is one of the free tours offered by the Eternal City.

Julius Caesar, a Don Juan without an heir

The assassination in the Senate of the Republic of Rome sparked a civil war which would eventually lead to the political scene Caesar octave, the first emperor that Rome had, between 27 BC and 14 AD, a period that would be the longest reign in the history of this empire.
Despite the fact that Julius Caesar had many children, Octavio, who assumed his role as Augusto, was his grandnephew. A year before, and sensing the betrayal, Julius Caesar wrote a will naming his nephew “adopted son” and heir of your assets. However, Caesar had another biological child, but did not recognize him.
Like Jean Paul Sartre and so many other important figures, Julius Caesar was bizco, a physical quality that did not prevent him from leaving a line of female conquests wherever the political struggle has taken him.

His only legitimate daughter had been Julia, daughter of, born 76 BC. C of the marriage with his first wife, the aristocrat Cornelia.

To cement alliances, his father married Julia to Pompey Magnus, “The Great”, and she eventually got pregnant, but not with her husband but with a previous son of Pompey (stepson and political grandson of Julius Caesar). During childbirth, mother and child died in childbirth.

It is well known that when Julius Caesar arrived in Egypt, Cleopatra invited him to sail the Nile and months later he would be born. Caesarion. When the author of The Gallic War he has been killed, Cleopatra and her son lived with him, since the year -46, in his Roman villa Horti Caesaris.
The queen of Egypt tried in vain that your child has been recognized as an heir. Then, he ordered the killing of his own brother, the sovereign Ptolemy XIV, and raised his son Caesarion, who was only 3 years old, in the category of co-regent of Egypt and she returned to Africa. Fourteen years later, in 30 BC, the Emperor Augustus, his half-brother, would have him killed.

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