July 2019 was the hottest month in the history of the world


So, July of this year goes into history as the hottest month in the world since there are records, has exceeded the levels of the same month of 2016, which until now corresponded to the highest temperatures.

global warming July 2019.jpg

Theor confirmed the climate change service of the European Copernicus agency, and has also been warned by the World Meteorological Organization.

"July is typically the month hottest of the year in the world average. The year 2016 was the hottest of all months recorded in absolute value. It has now been replaced by July 2019, although with a small margin compared to the typical differences between the previous July datasets, "said the European organization in a statement.

In comparison, this month of July was 0.56 ° C above average. It is 1.2ºC above the pre-industrial level set by UN experts and 0.04ºC above July 2016.

Abnormal warming has occurred in both poles in Alaska, Western Europe and Central Asia. In the northern hemisphere, Greenland and Alsaka had the greatest temperature deviations from the mean and the heat wave accelerated the thaw and caused fires in Greenland between July and August.


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