July was the hottest month in history | Experts say Earth is undergoing irreversible changes due to global warming


A few days after experiencing enlightenment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which anticipates that humanity needs to make a radical change in order not to cross the critical thresholds of temperature; the United States National Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) He reported that July was the hottest month on record.

Rick spinrad, a NOAA administrator, pointed out that July is generally the hottest month of the year in the world – when it is summer in the northern hemisphere – but acknowledged that this year the records reached have surpassed ” the hottest month on record “. “This record adds to the troubling and disruptive path that the climate change set for the world, ”lamented Spinrad.

The high temperatures could be observed by several extreme phenomena, among which, the heat wave that hit western Canada and the United States with temperatures approaching 50 degrees. These heat waves have also been added fires in North America and Europe, as observed in the island of Evia in Greece.

The combined surface and water temperatures were 0.93 ° C (1.67 ° Fahrenheit) above the 20th century averages for the month of July, and it was the highest temperature since the records began 142 years ago. On the other hand, it was 0.01 ° C (0.02 ° F) higher than the previous record, set in July 2016. This record had been equaled in 2019-2020, before being eclipsed by this year.

For trademarks registered to date, 2021 is set to be one of the 10 hottest years on record. Last Monday, the United Nations (UN) warned that the Earth is undergoing “irreversible” and “unprecedented” changes due to global warming, with effects that affect all corners of the planet.

The report predicts that over the next decades, climate change will increase in all regions: increased heat waves, longer hot seasons and shorter cold seasons, as well as changes in precipitation regimes that will generate higher levels of precipitation. floods and droughts.

Experts point out that if the global temperature rises by 2 ° C, heat extremes would more frequently reach critical tolerances for agriculture and health.


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