Jumpers backs’ bungee ‘company implicated in young lawyer’ s death in Antioquia


The name of young lawyer Yecenia Morales Gómez has taken much of the space in the country’s media due to her tragic death on July 18. His death has become a hot topic on social media regarding safety when playing extreme sports.

A video of the young woman jumping from a bridge, while trying to do a bungee jump, on the viaduct of the old Antioquia railway, located between the municipalities of Amagá and Fredonia , circulated on the Internet and sparked a controversy over the responsibility of the companies in charge of this recreational activity. Sky Bungee Jumping has already given his explanations and now some former customers are giving their versions.

The 25-year-old lost her life, according to the Legal Medicine report, after suffering a heart attack while falling. The woman was not wearing the respective tools that are used for this type of practice, which has raised voices of rejection against the company for its alleged guilt of failing to act under strict security requirements against the young lady. However, there was talk of a supposed confusion of the young woman who, apparently, had jumped under an order that was not hers, since the order to jump had been for her boyfriend.

Sky Bungee Jumping, however, ensured that none of this was true because, according to them, by the time the young woman jumped, no one was under orders to jump. “On July 21, 2021, we contacted his family. In this communication, we made ourselves available to support them in the necessary procedures. We inform you that Sky Bungee Jumping has taken out an insurance policy and we wish to assist you in the treatment of your complaint (…) It is not true that the 25-year-old jumped due to the confusion of a jump order allegedly given to her boyfriend. At the time of the accident, no one was jumping, neither his boyfriend nor anyone else ”.

The company, moreover, and according to investigations carried out by the authorities, would operate without any legal authorization. The newspaper El Tiempo has indeed discovered that Sky Bungee Jumping was registered in the municipality of Jardín, also in southwest Antioquia, but had its registration canceled with the Medellín Chamber of Commerce on January 26, 2018.

This same media contacted two citizens who previously had used the company’s service, and they assured that the accident, apparently, was not Sky’s fault. Anlly Osorio came to the same area last May 25. She, her friends and even her father jumped off the bridge with no problem. He revealed that the process has been long and that the employees know every citizen who dares to do this extreme sport with them.

“(…) I have nothing negative to say (…) When I went to the pitch I had to wait five hours because there were a lot of people in front of me and during all this time I was waiting , it has been observed that they have two or three harnesses and while One person jumps, another puts it on and makes sure everything is fine, so that the loop goes up. The tie passes at the level of the belly, you see that it is facing the front ”, Osorio explained.

For the woman, it is “impossible” that the workers ordered her to jump knowing that, as seen in the video, a person has just finished their jump and is being pulled towards the bridge. This without counting on the characteristic red color of the elastic loop which is used to make this type of practice in the sight of the one who jumps.

Anlly’s testimony is joined by Diego Vélez, who used the Sky service on June 20, almost a month before Yecenia’s death. “The service seemed good to me, the employees were very friendly and very clear at all times, as to the safety equipment at the time of the jump, they seemed super safe and at no point did I feel it was going to burst or drip or something”, he commented in his dialogue with El Tiempo.

Diego argued that the order to jump is clear and that in fact, in the midst of the wait that the jump means, those present are very aware of who is jumping. He explained that the order is clear: “3,2,1, bungee jumping”.

“(…) So I don’t understand why she jumped like that, out of nowhere, since someone had already made the jump and they were starting to climb her. I think it was a moment of panic and nerves where Yecenia suddenly got stuck and reacted like she didn’t ”, commented.

The voices of support for the company, however, do not end there. On their social networks, some users lamented the death of Yecenia, but reaffirmed the responsibility of Sky and their good experiences with the company. Out of respect for the family, the company wrote on its social media, they refrain from giving theories about Yecenia’s death.

Bungee jumping in the sky
Bungee jumping in the sky

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