Juntos por el Cambio brought down his deputies from the trip to Mexico with Alberto Fernández due to the vaccine scandal


MPs Carmen Polledo and Jimena Latorre
MPs Carmen Polledo and Jimena Latorre

After the scandal triggered by the journalist’s confession Horace Verbitsky, who received a coronavirus vaccine outside of the shift system due to his proximity to government officials, Together for Change has decided that its representatives will not participate in Alberto Fernández’s official tour of Mexico.

MPs Carmen Polledo (PRO) and Jimena Latorre (UCR) has announced that she will not be part of the delegation that will leave tomorrow for the Federal District. The decision was taken this Friday afternoon and was announced via social networks.

From the boulder they also reported that Polledo and Latorre were not called in for vaccinations following the trip and were not given a dose against COVID-19 under any other circumstances.


The political impact of Verbitsky’s revelation ended with the resignation of Minister Ginés González García and his replacement by Carla Vizzotti. In the afternoon, Alberto Fernández also asked two leaders not to be part of the delegation that will visit Mexico: the national deputy Eduardo Valdés and the national senator Jorge Taiana. Both were vaccinated last Thursday at the Ministry of Health.

Besides the two lawmakers, that day the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Felipe Solá, was also vaccinated at the hospital in Posadas. However, the official requested an appointment and was summoned by health authorities to be vaccinated.

“I ask the Minister of Health if anyone who is about to go to Mexico can be vaccinated and he told me he would see. And they send me first to Posadas (hospital) and then to the Ministry of Health, but I never thought I was doing anything illegal, I thought I should take care of myself and those who were traveling with me, ”said Valdés interview with Radio with you.

And I add: “I don’t feel like I did anything illegal. I felt I needed to be vaccinated and with the updated PCR (test). They give me the vaccine because I am going to Mexico. The other option was not to travel ”.

The delegation that will visit Mexico is made up of the Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán; the deputy chief of staff, Cecilia Todesca; the presidential secretary, Julio Vitobello; the secretary for communication, Juan Pablo Biondi; and presidential adviser Ricardo Forster.

The objective of Alberto Fernández’s official tour is to meet his Mexican counterpart Andrés Manuel López Obrador to strengthen a geopolitical agenda that aims to contain the strategic interests of all the countries that make up Latin America.

The two leaders believe that it is possible to join forces from the south of the continent to the banks of the Rio Grande to develop a common roadmap that alleviates the economic and social asymmetries between the rich nations and the states of the periphery.

I continued to read:

Carla Vizzotti to be the new Minister of Health to replace Ginés González García after the Verbitsky vaccine scandal

Not just Verbitsky: the list of vaccinated VIPs from González García’s ministry

Letter of resignation from González García: “There was an unintentional confusion from my private secretary”

Roberto Navarro kicked Horacio Verbitsky from the radio: “What he did is immoral”

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