Justice found guilty the police officer who shot former deputy Raúl Godoy


Justice found police officer Sergio Palomino guilty in the case of the bullet that former left-wing MP Raúl Godoy received during a protest by forestry workers. The case was developed under the cover Aggravated injuries for using weapons, in addition to having been provoked by a police officer.

The sentencing tribunal consisted of Ana Malvido, Daniel Varessio and Mauricio Zabala.

Godoy was a deputy in December 2017, when he took part in a demonstration by workers from the forestry company MAM, who were in a complex conflict with the bosses, in which the provincial and city governments had interference.

Eviction at the MAM lumber yard

The right ankle of then FIT deputy Raúl Godoy after being shot by police on December 8, 2017.

The right ankle of then FIT deputy Raúl Godoy after being shot by police on December 8, 2017.

Juan carlos diaz

At the door of the company’s factory, a policeman fired a bullet that went directly to the right ankle of the then deputy at the time. Front left and a ceramist. The injury was classified as serious.

“Now we will continue to fight for an effective prison and investigate political accountability. In this trial, the police organized themselves to lie and defend the shooter who shot me in the back“Godoy said after hearing the verdict.

“As we said from the first moment, Here, much more was at stake than the conviction of a police officer. It is about the right to protest, and in this sense, this sentence sets a precedent.. We will lead the fight against impunity to the end, ”he declared.

“For all the victims of police and institutional repression who have never been able to sit in a trial. For all those who experience police harassment in the neighborhoods», Proclaimed the leader of the Socialist Workers Party (PTS).

Before the start of the trial, the potter had anticipated: “I was a provincial deputy and they shot me without disgust; what remains for a worker in the province of Carlos Fuentealba and Teresa Rodríguez“.

Lawyer Natalia Hormazabal, FIT adviser in the capital, said: “Palominos is criminally responsible. Not only did we know it, but we tested it. We are very satisfied with the verdict which closes a first stage, then the sentence will come. A judgment against impunity: for Teresa, for Carlos and for the kids killed by the easy trigger ”,

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