Justice has asked Florencia Kirchner to develop reports on her state of health


Justice ordered that Florencia Kirchner give your complete medical historywhile continuing treatment in Cuba. The prosecutor Diego Velasco, who defends the cause of Los Sauces, said that the daughter of the former president had 30 days to present this information, his lawyer having submitted to him only a summary of his state of health .

For the Federal Oral Court 5, the medical record presented by the senator's daughter of the citizen unit is incomplete. According to the report, the main diagnosis is a post-traumatic stress disorder. He also states that he suffers from the syndrome of purpuric studies, demyelinating polyneuropathy, amenorrhea, low body weight and mild edema of the lower limbs.

The summary of clinical history presented by Florencia Kirchner.
The summary of clinical history presented by Florencia Kirchner.

In this same letter, Cuban doctors warned that in this state of health It is not recommended that the patient travel and made it clear that he had to perform daily treatment. In this context, Florencia asked TOF for permission to extend its stay in the Caribbean country by more than 45 days.

Until now, justice had granted him permission to stay until the end of March. And before this new request of the defense, the judge Daniel Obligado wants to know if Florence can travel or not in Argentina and how long still it will be necessary to demand its treatment.

The forensic body, for its part, stressed that they must evaluate the complete clinical history and even stated that they should evaluate it in person. However, they said that if an optional body recommended not to travel, that should be respected.

In the face of controversy over the news of the trip to Florence, Cristina Kirchner published the writings of Cuban doctors on her social networks and said that her daughter had serious health problems. as a result of the "fierce persecution" of justice.

In a series of tweets, the exmandataria explained that she shared the diagnoses of Florencia because she had asked him: "She thinks the circus of violence will stop on her and her health . " what to do but it is both the hatred and the violence that you exert against your personperhaps he is right. "


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