Justice has made willows to Kirchner


The hotel was little used, but it paid 10 million US dollars to the former presidents; Stolbizer asks Bonadio to intervene Source: archive

EL CALAFATE.- Federal Justice
decided to return the management of the boutique hotel


Kirchner family, who can now organize their commercial exploitation. Closed since 2016 and under embargo, this hotel was, according to the repentant accountant Víctor Manzanares, the main engine of enrichment of Kirchner, with incomes between 10 and 11 million dollars.

The measure was taken by the Federal Oral Court No. 5, which ordered in February that the hotel be no longer maintained under judicial intervention or by conservatory measures. It was after a presentation by his lawyer, Carlos Beraldi, who questioned the fact that the judicial interventionist, Raquel Moyano, did not guarantee the maintenance of the property: it described leaks, ceilings fallen and raised floors, among other details.

Although Justice has defined the hotel as being back in Máximo and Florencia Kirchner, ex-MP Margarita Stolbizer will ask Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio to intervene as part of the proceedings. bribery notebooks to preserve evidence of crimes and recovery of badets.

Willows were the jewel
the most precious of Kirchner. Austral Construcciones, of

Lázaro Báez

, is the one who paid for its construction, as revealed by a survey of
THE NATION in 2016. This was the hotel for which the Kirchners demanded the highest rent from businessman Juan Carlos Relats, although he always had fewer jobs than the others. According to Manzanares, after leaving the presidency, Néstor Kirchner imagined giving lectures and welcoming personalities from around the world. Relats paid $ 90,000 a month for 11 years.

"We are talking about the fact that this contract represented a gross income of 10 to 11 million US dollars for the Kirchner economy, we can only talk about another more important financial leverage factor than this one. If this operation is not envisaged, it would be detrimental to any badysis of the growth and patrimonial structure of the Kirchner family, "confessed Accountant Manzanares to Bonadio.

For Stolbizer lawyer Silvina Martínez, the measure taken by the TOF 5 benefits the Kirchner family, allowing them to recover the administration and the usufruct of the hotel, while damaging the judicial process ongoing, as part of the Kirchner enrichment, but also money-laundering maneuvers involving the hotel. For this reason, they asked Bonadio to maintain his intervention.

Judicial reversal

What is the decision of TOF 5? In October last year, the Kirchner family asked the court to intervene to repair the damage to the hotel and to pay the salary and social security charges of three maintenance staff hired by Máximo Kirchner since August 2016, when the company Panatel (of Relats) suspended the localization. Judging by the detail of the damages provided by the lawyer Beraldi, the interview was not enough: they paid little or did not work much.

According to Beraldi's report, the hotel has leaks, floors and raised walls and fallen ceilings. The document highlights the lack of maintenance, but does not mention that in March 2018, the level of Lake Argentino was reached, following the breakup of the Perito Moreno glacier. The hotel is built on a wetland.

Los Sauces integrates the succession of

Néstor Kirchner

whose property has been fully donated by

Cristina Kirchner

to their children, who formed a condominium. It had to be administered by judicial intervention.

However, the intervener Raquel Moyano badured the Court that the hotel was not included in the list of movable property declared by the condominium to AFIP at the time of the official consultation (the rental was canceled with the company Panatel) . August 2016 and has not been rented since), so it was impossible for him to know its existence.

Now, although he has intervened for more than two years, the court declared that the hotel was not affected either by the administration of the judicial controller of the estate or by the controller of the co-ownership which included Máximo and Florencia, nor the intervention of the company Los Sauces SA, namesake of the hotel, but with a different legal status.

Stolbizer and Martinez will try to prevent the Kirchner from gaining access to the hotel management. They point out that criminal proceedings seek not only to establish the truth of the criminal hypothesis, but also to recover badets and to repair the damage caused by the crime. For the moment, the future of Los Sauces is unknown.


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